The Sales Monitor

Wow! I hope you don’t spend much time writing this. Because I’m the guy who think that audience (people attention) is the most powerful strength in the world. People attention worth more then any money. And that is true from the beginning of our history.
But, don’t idealize marketing, showing as example Apple or Coca-Cola. So If all Coca-Cola banners will be replaced by Envato ads. Do you think Envato will win from this or become bankrupt really really fast? Do you know why? Because everyone can easily drink Coca-Cola, but not everyone need our templates.
What I’m saying that we need to be extremely careful about paid ads. Videohive audience is not so big as Themeforest. Videohive audience need specific knowledge and specific software before purchasing item. We need to be more targeted.
Do you want to read conversation about paid ads among Videohive authors? Here it is.

In conclusion. Marketing is great tool. But I think, if VH author can improve quality of his items - it’s better to do this, than to learn how to promote items right, without losing money.

PS: Your link " intro video for website" don’t return VideoHive as a first result (it’s on 7 position). Envato is smart and don’t lose money for audience from Belarus. :wink: