Hi. Sorry I ask. But how do you use Yandex Metrics? I signed in with google account and then pasted, for example, my pòrtfolio web address. Here is where I don´t know what to do: “Insert the code snippet in the HTML code of all the site’s pages. Place the snippet inside the or tags, as close to the top of the page as possible. This allows it to load faster so that it can send data to Yandex.Metrica even if the user closes the page right away.
If you change the tag settings after installing the code snippet on the site, you must update the snippet on all the pages.” What should I do here? Could you help me please? Is there a way to automatically see data on the Yandex app in my smartphone?
Code insertion should be the same like with GA. The video playback is called (at least earlier) WebVisor.
Not sure if this will work on your smartphone (as dimensions of video player comes as natural user screen dimensions). For example if someone come with smartphone on your profile, video player size will be exactly as his screen pixels. (even to track mobile users is bit tricky, as they just click, and do not make any mouse interactions).
Thank you very much for the info!!
May has started pretty well
Yup, great start for me as well
Don’t worry. Everybody will get their reports before 16 May. There were months when we got reports on 13 - 15 day.
PS: Also it’s weekend, so may be report will be ready on Monday.
Only 1 sale in this month, CRAZY!
3days withouta sale
Sales this month are a disaster. And I´m not talking just about me. I´m trying to follow other authors to see how fast they get sales and is terribly slow. Now we are getting to this common factor of slow or no sales at all. This wasn´t happening a couple of month ago. I´m trying to make other projects but motivation is almost zero taking into consideration actual situation. Really bad, not just for me as I can see. There are many many Elite Authors level 7, 8, 9, that publish new items and they don´t get sales or just 1 or 2 and a small number of comments. Not much to say.
Still earlier items are selling quite well. As for new ones - it’s obvious problem. I’ve uploaded one item recently, it got 2 sales. But I send it to elements almost immediately. And now I can freely wait and see what will happen next.
Btw, this week has started good as well for me
This good start that you say, I imagine is because older items. So, for Elite authors like you, what is the motivation to make more new projects and not getting sales?
So, we come to another thread here: Envato Elements: Worth for VH Authors? Even more than this sinking market?
I’ve already answered in my previous post =)
Also, I saw some projects who made 30+ sales in a first month during experiment, so there is a possibility. But anyway during experiment I can let myself not to publish anything and wait till the end of it to make a decision. If you don’t have such a choice - you always have others. I think it’s pretty clear that Envato will lead their experiments to the end in any way, so we all have just wait or take other choices.
Yeah, that´s for sure my friend
So what will answer “yes” or answer “no” bring to you?
For me definitely - “yes”
Ok. Just data to know different situations from different authors to make some personal evaluation and see what I will do. Personally, I love design and making new projects and interacting with authors from all over the world. So I guess (just guessing) I will stay here. I had a new item during the experiment that made 25 sales in a short period of time, but is not the general rule nowadays.
Waiting is fine, but what experiment? There is no experiment going on in videohive right now. The new sorting is not an experiment. It has been an experiment few weeks ago, now it is the outcome of that experiment.
We all have to wait now for the next experiment where they might try something else in the category pages again, make the sorting options more visible or have a whole new category page.
I see many authors talking about the current “experiment” while there is none. Makes this forum really confusing.
But trying “this” and then trying “something else” later, is it not experimenting? There is no communication about the end of this as it was when all began. This is the real confusion
Ok, for sake of specific terms let’s call all this market situation: “Series of Experiments”, “Default Sorting Test” or any other common name.
As I remember results of these tests (experiments) will be applied to the whole market, James mentioned this if I’m not wrong.
And yes, specifically on VH there is best sellers by default with no other a/b/c/d and it only MIGHT change to other option but we don’t know when.
But I’m pretty sure someday Category page will be same for most of markets.
To sum everything up: 100% that whining and constant discussion won’t help here but taking other choices might help, so this way I will probably act
Guess it depends. If I buy a new car today, and keep it for 5 years, then I crash it into a wall and buy a new car after that, was the car then just an experiment or test to me?
Or was it a definitive decision?
Current sorting is a decision, not a test. It has been a test some weeks ago, and after that test showed a 5% higher conversion with best selling as default sort, envato decided to make that the new “normal”.
Here is the post that introduced the new (defintive) sorting:
Note that the term “over the next week” does not mean “during the next week”, it just says when they will switch this on, not that it will only be periodically.
Envato staff have said “Best Sellers default sorting is not here to stay forever”, which is surely correct, but didn’t mean that they will go back to newest items ever. They will rather do something completely different with the category pages but even that is not sure.
So if you say my car that I for sure will not keep forever is just me experimenting with it, then yes, this is just an experiment.
We can all wait for the new bought car to crash so that we have to buy a new one. But how long that will take, we will see.
As long as envato sees higher conversions (car is not crashing), they will stay with the current status quo. So waiting for things to change is maybe not the best option…
This sounds reasonable
Yeah, waiting maybe is not the best solution. Because market (Envato) thinks most of all about customers, and definitely not about authors. But if you think deeper, customers purchases depends on continuing generation of items from authors (doesn´t matter if Elite with huge sales or not). Right now all this means that only Best Seller items will have the big and significant number of sales. Anyway, remember authors, without them there would be no market and no items to sell at all.