Why not top seller?!!

Hey everyone!..Wow i cant believe it!!..I have had almost 18 sales last week!
But why my item has not gone to the top sellers!..1Jan to 7 Jan i have had 18 sales!
What is the reason?!!
This is my item :

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your item is listed here https://videohive.net/popular_item/by_category?category=after-effects-project-files with 16 sales. If you had made 17 or more sales, you’d be listed here as well https://videohive.net/page/top_sellers

What devotchkah said. Although you’ve had 19 sales, the stats used to populate such pages are calculated on a daily basis (same with the top author pages and issuing badges etc) so when it next updates, you should be on the list. Although, everyone else’s stats will have updated too… so you might not!

Thank you very much guys…Checking my statement,i see that i have made my first sale on 31Dec and then from Jan 1 to Jan 7 i have sold 18 more!..So i have reached 17!..Where am i making mistake!

You’ve sold 19, so if one of those was last week, then you’ve made 18 sales this week.

Thats what i mean!..What can i do now?!..Should i email envato staff?!

Did you check the exact times? It’s Monday-Sunday in the Melbourne time zone.

1 Jan has been sunday…

Flumen could you please explain to me so that i can exactly understand the process?!..Thank you

Did you read my post above about stuff only updating once a day?

Yes but actually i didnt understaand it completely!

What do you mean once a day!..Well the day has started on Jan 1 right?!..Then it ends on the end of the day 7 Jan!..Done!..What else can be different?!!

The week started on Jan 2, not Jan 1.

Oh…So the start of the week is the day after the date published at the top right of the top seller page?!
Because it was Jan 01…Anyway,thank you very much! :slight_smile:

The ‘start of the week’ is the start of the week. The ‘end of the week’ is the “Week Ending 01 Jan” or “Week Ending 08 Jan” that is published at the top right of the top seller page.

It said ‘01 Jan’ as that was the last day of the week, and ‘02 Jan’ was the first day of the following week.

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The week is counted from Monday to Sunday. That particular week started on January 2 (Monday) and ended on January 8 (Sunday). That is all that matters. Any sales you made on January 1 don’t count.

Elemental_Co! Good Job! GLWS!

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile: