If you check history of approved item you can find person who decided about it. I discovered some of the Reviewers are graphic designers too and they sell items on GR. Some of them have portfolio that I like and it’s impressive me much but some of them not.
I found a 21 year-old girl. She’s also a Reviewer with no portfolio. It bothers me becouse when I’ve started my journey with graphic design she was 14.
After 5 years graphic studies and 3 years work in my own advertising agency I still feel I’m not a very good designer. I’m still learning and GR helps me with that.
70% of my designs are rejected. It not bother me becouse every single rejected item I sold individual customer in my country. GR is very good place to get inspiration but not good place to earn money right now ( in my opinion).
But this whole Envato quality politics is very strange to me. Rejections with no explain ( I feel some of them are automatic), very young Reviewers, increasing fees.
Reviews are for…what? Quality? If item have zero sells from about 3 weeks it shold be automatically deleted. Let customers decide! Simply, make them be Reviewers!
Sorry for my english…