20 % of all private Homepages are built with Wordpress. Already more than 100.000 downloads of the “deactivate google-fonts” and also the blockers for Social Network Links like to Facebook or to Gravatar, extra Blockers against automated updates of all kind … a Wordpress User is forced to first purchase a Theme with all this stuff extra inbuilt - we proudly present that the giant spy machine google-fonts are already fix integrated, no chance to escape, and there ist also Facebook fix integrated, sending your visitors data straight to Zuckerberg to raise his ability to cover you and your visitors with commercial spam or sell those datas to election-influencers like google-fonts store your visitors datas like IPs and bank accounts in their cloud … and you proudly pay for this and feel so great that - like one of the authors of a copy I purchased told me - google fonts and social network connections make your life so much easier … MY life or the life of Facebook, Twitter and Google and the powers behind them ?
How many authors of Wordpress-Themes are here ? And not a single one to offer a SAFE Theme with free open source maps or the good old websafe fonts Arial, Verdana, Georgia and Times ? They have inbuilt natural line-heigths and are perfect to read for a normal educated human brain and a text in this form can be remembered easily - not so the google-texts, watch them : light grey lines hang around somewhere on the page. You cannot see where a sentence ends, a paragraph begins, its just for idiots reading with their fingers on a paper one letter after the other forming one word after the other - back to stone age with google - who cares about content of a blog, what counts are the datas of the users and visitors, their IPs, their connections, their bank accounts …
There is Openstreetmap, there are fine websafe fonts and the ability to upload any other font if I want one beside the system fonts (yes you can even try out google fonts and if you like one you can upload it and host it yourself so no spying of the google-cloud is possible !!)
I already have to use those extra widgets on my WP-blog:
- Disable All WordPress Updates
Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs and notification system.
2.Disable Google Fonts
Disable enqueuing of Open Sans and other fonts used by WordPress from Google.
Disable Google Maps
Stop loading google maps for not necessary or local development. -
Disable User Gravatar
Stops wordpress from automatically grabbing the users’ gravatar with their registered email. -
Disable XML-RPC
6.Remove Open Sans font from WP core
Remove Google Fonts From WP default Themes,Remove Open Sans font from old WP core.
Remove Google Fonts References
WP DoNotTrack
Why 3 different google-font blockers ? We tried it out - only the combination of all of them is more or less safe !
Still missing blockers for those horrible language-translations inbuilt and that Font-awsome crap … you hardly can get rid of it and even if you cancel that out with the next update its back …
Beside that you must make all the updates all the time because of security reasonst - a smaller blog already wastes one third of all the server-requests just for the crap you want to get rid of but are forced to purchase it with a theme … with ALL the themes offered, no chance to have a choice !
You can see one already needs 8 different blockers just to be safe from the “hey all these great things are already inbuilt” and you pay for that - you pay for sending your and your users data to the biggest spy-giants on this planet. So why do authors integrate them ?
There are different possibilities:
Maybe some really are naiv and think its an advantage and nothing else …
Maybe they are forced to integrate it or otherwise are not allowed to use seller-platforms because they all are good friends of Google, Zuckerberg + Co ?
Maybe - and this is sure because in some scripts we found such a link - some authors lead every click on your blog first to their Social Network or their own blog and from there to their Social Network so YOU work and collect users not only for your blog, you also feed your theme-author and Google and Facebook. This seems to be their real income, not the amount they earn for a sold copy …
And there is still really not ONE single Wordpress or widget author amongst thousands saying: I sit down now and compose a clean, non tracking Wordpress-Theme with open source modules, a good panel of websafe fonts and a possibility to upload own self hosted fonts, own icons and I already integrate all the basic-blockers against google-fonts or gravatar and so on for the WP-core – 100.000 + downloads of google-fonts blockers will guarantee you more than 100.000 grateful users and customers for such a safe theme …
Please write one - I am the one purchasing the first copy !