Should I be special?

Your words are based on your knowledge. You are not delving into the details trying to draw a conclusion.

You want proof? I said that. I will repeat: I managed to make a track that the customers liked. it began to buy customers-advertising agencies for use in advertising. But not only that, the next tracks in a similar performance was rejected and the track stopped abruptly seem and sales simultaneously prekratilis. Thus here clean competitors without forcing them to leave on other services. If I’m lying, have an Envato employee try to talk about it. And I in return will show sales stats for this track.

So you claim that, you made an excellent track that sells well. But for one reason Envato crew began to hate you. And they work against you to stop your sales. Is that right?

Not just mine.
I listened to similar stories from other authors.

And you are trying to find out why they work against you (and the others)?

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then let’s try something.
Do your best and work harder than before and make a track that noone can reject. There must be no room for subjectivity. It must be a 5 star track. The other authors that make comments on your track must agree on that the track is awesome.

And let’s see if it is rejcted or not. But again, it musnt be an all average track like you posted in this topic. It must be excellent in everyway. Try as hard as you can.

Why should I write something? I’ve already written more than 100 tracks. Do you see them in my briefcase? Here are the last three rejections.

Be scientific, is your belief falsifiable? I mean, is there anything that could prove it wrong? Sales suddenly pick up? But that’s because they’re hiding their feelings about you / they’re scared of being exposed. Sales stay down? That’s because you really are right and they are not hiding from you , they just want you to have no sales.

Therefore attack your theory from both sides, be scientific, true science is paradoxically based on not really knowing anything for sure. Best bof luck with ur music please focus on discussing that because paranoia about rejection is everyone’s fear, its sad to see it & its not your fault. They should at least phone or leave a voice clip to explain why.

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Why don’t you leave your defensive stat for a moment and be open to new ideas and suggestions.
That’s it from me. Good luck.

Regarding the three tracks in the above post of yours, l might guess that:

  • Track #1 - lead line has constant velocity
  • Tracks #1,2,3 - all the tracks seem to be background music, no sudden moves, just a constant murmur.

I would definitely have given #2 & #3 the okay if not #1 as well, because they sound like many other submissions already on AJ. BUT that could be ultimately why they were rejected.There’s a definite template feel.

There was another thread about hip hop music where an author was dismissed for a really good track. One commentator responded that maybe it was to make way for new talent? Another commentator said that maybe it sounds like his other stuff. SO maybe you have maxed out your current style - no matter how good you are - & need to experiment?

Audio quality is brilliant to my ear.

Your council

@MagicMood9 @GeneralPostingAccoun
Let Me Quote “First Note”

Weed and anonymous rejections do not mix :smiley: I’m too scared to even submit a track yet (soon though).

Look at it this way: disk space & bandwidth costs money so the vital question is: out of the 1000 similar tracks out there, would you really buy your one? If the answer is honestly “maybe not” then that’s the basis of your rejection i guess.

I’m quitting this thread - too absorbing, not enough time though!

Let me tell a joke to ease the tension here.

A guy enters the highway from the opposite direction. And a couple minutes later a police announcement is heard on the radio broadcast.

Dear Drivers. Beware. There is a car who is heading on the wrong direction on the highway.

And the guy shouts in disbelief : What?! Just one car? They are all coming from the wrong direction.


No tension on my part. I tell stories from my life.

here’s another tracks sound very bad and non-commercial)

I can tell you one thing. I make relaxed music so that customers have the opportunity to customize the sound to their needs. If the client wants to make the “track dense” he will use the limiter.

As practice and observation showed, customers mostly choose music to emphasize the mood in their project . In any case, even if the client buys a super - quality track in the project there is a radical change in this track. I very often met projects where the quality of the track was greatly degraded in comparison with the original.

I listened to your first track for about a minute and issues were:

  1. Bell tower / chime at 11 seconds sounds out of tune or the wrong note played - dissonant.
  2. Mix too muddy in the bottom end - no balance in frequency
  3. Instrument arrangement from about 0:20 not mixed well and muddy.
  4. Flute gliss at 0:48 wrong notes and sound like a discord

I gave up at this point.

I listen to advice, I start to believe in them, and then I go and watch the new tracks in the store… Okay! cognitive dissonance! that’s why I gave it the name of the topic.

I listened to the track, and was about to write some constructive criticism, but then I read all your answers where you don’t listen to what people tell you… this strongly reminded me someone else on this forum…
And then I realized that you are indeed the same person, it is not a secret as you kept the name on your soundcloud…

So you changed your user name and logo, but your style is the same :slight_smile:


I want to draw attention to the fact that the tracks that I show are Mp3 and the master bus is set to maximizer when creating a preview. When the female voice says the phrase maximizer is triggered.