Sale super slow in the last 2 weeks

Did anyone else notice a sharp drop in sales in the last 2 weeks?

I did. Even with the increase in organic traffic.

Same here. Absolutely no sales in the past two weeks despite several of my items being approved. Not sure why this is happening, I thought I was simply unlucky.

Same here. A 50% decrese in sales :frowning: Elements with video, this is what happend :cry:

Having same issue from past 2 months… :frowning:

AudioJungle isn’t on Elements, and a lot of us from AJ report the same problem…

Well I am sure not only the Ellements is the factor, but it is a big one. Another one is that is summer and in summer sales are lower in general, but anyway the last two month where my best selling months evere, still, VH earning have gone down 50 % for me in the last month. Im sure there are some other factor that we do not see, but the most obvious one, for VH contributors, is Elements.
And Yes Audiojungle is not on Elements… yet :slight_smile:

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Since april / may :disappointed_relieved:
graphicriver author struggling here despite have 600+ item. sales starting to drop since last year actually, as graphicriver are the first to join the elements

The same here… From may 50% drop sales on themeforest.

Sales on Market drops for a longer time some less and some more and now someone it is 50-60% less but Envato does not care about this problem.

Most authors are suffering, the reason is still unkkown, only Envato can give us answeres. In nine years since I sell here this month was a nightmare, also I had one full day without any sale, it is a first in nine years of working with envato.

I just hope is the summer but I don’t think so, something else is going on.

There was a lot of summer and holiday before so it has never been so bad, sales it is about 50% less and I feeling that in long period. Traffic is problem, when is it traffic good and sales are good, I see this for my sales. Elements takes most of the traffic and probably something else is happening with Market, the saddest thing which no one cares about the Market because this has been going on for some time now.

I’ve been saying this from the first day Elements was released. It is a monster it will consume the entire marketplace but at the same time it will destroy it as well.

Think as a buyer, would you pay 29$ for 100k plus plugins and stock or 29$ for a single file.

I am surprised that Envato is not seeing the danger here, the entire community is complaining about Elements I’ve not see one good comment about it…

Nobody seam to care.


Unfortunately Envato do not see nothing more than profit, authors and Market it does not matter, the proof is banner that directs traffic from Market to Elements.

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Well, something’s clear - this sucks. Sales are even vital for some people, at least for those who work full time on packages and expect to make some profit here, yet not one cares.

It’s sad to say this, but I can imagine why some people would decide to move to another platform in the future, like Creative Market, even if it has less potential buyers.

Personally, if this problem doesn’t get fixed, I’ll just start uploading more things there and focus less on Graphic River. I can’t afford to spend hours creating several packages for this website and not get anything out of all that work simply because the team at Envato doesn’t give a crap about anything but money.

Hopefully this will get fixed, more or less, if not, I’ll start looking for other platforms to use other than this one. I’ll rather upload my work on a website with 100.000 people where everyone is a potential player, than to spend my time working for a website where out of those millions of users, more than 80% don’t buy anything because they have a better service available.

I have increase in traffic, demo views, clickthroughs, more people clicking on BUY NOW button through my website but resulting in less sales. Weird!

How much do buyers (who aren’t subscribed to Elements) spend a month here?

Maybe we are wrong about Elements I guess we will just have to wait and see what is going on.

Summertime sadness… :joy: