Yes, we can`t to know about download, but envato know!
And if someone was downloaded it - envato must pay compensation, because offer is completed. And this is problem of envato, because:
- We pay 30%-50% of fee
- Envato is garant of our digital rights
- Envato loose money too
No no, we loose our digital product. This is not just some kind of product, it is intellectual property. Man, that using illegal this product can make profit. Man, who have not license can make big money and loose nothing.
This is the cost of doing business. It can happen to anyone and anybody and not just over the internet.
6 of 10 payments is not “Sometimes happens”
- I got for time, for developming, thinking - nothing
- Some man get profit and money without license
And think about “Envato can nothing” looks like a joke, because this is a super big corp with money river.
Community write so many ways, but envato wont to see:
- Pay compensation if someone already downloaded
- Block not account, block payment CARD or paypal
- Make harder registration and auth
- Many another ways, they are just wont