Review queue initiative: author upload limits.

You’re funny, :wink: As I say erlier, have a nice day.

But can’t you see that flooding the market even more only increases the problem you described? This way, someday you won’t even have those 1-3 sales anymore…

From my perspective, the only reasonable reaction to the frustrating developments you described is to do everything to decrease quantity and increase quality. What they’re doing now is a good first step in that direction.

Next steps should be:

  • ID-Verification for authors
  • Raise the general quality standards for submissions
  • More editorial focus on high-quality items (create more possibilities to feature them)
  • Find a reasonable way to clean up the market (e.g. give authors an incentive to delete old, low-quality items that don’t sell).

This way there’s at least a chance that you’ll someday be able to make your 10-30 (or even 100-300) sales from one track. Why not work towards this sustainable goal, rather than a short-term strategy?

I’m convinced that in the long run this will be good for all authors on AJ.


Great news. But how about review time? It still take 60 - 90 days?

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maybe you are right. we will see.

i think, If Envato will feel huge loss in money after those measures, they might change their policy,
This is all BUSINESS, and in business everything is tied up to profits.

To everyone, AGAIN i express my OWN opinion, please dont bombard me with yours.
i dont have time/wish to ‘shoot out’.

Peace to all…

That’s because some people aren’t capable of doing that. I’ve written at least 2-3 tracks (one of them has I think almost 30 sales) in 15 minutes (from conception to mastering). Writing a good, unique track isn’t about how much time you spend on it, it’s about the mood, the vibe and the mindset you have. You could spend 3 days on a piece of crap thinking that it’s great, maybe just because you spent so much time on it. A long duration does not = quality or uniqueness. A short duration does not = poor quality and sameness. It’s all about the approach. If you’re in a groove, sometimes the best music is composed in the shortest amount of time. Less overthinking and over-composing (if you will). The reason I am sometimes able to write music so quickly is because I improvise almost everything.
Both of these tracks were completed in less than 20 minutes:


By the same logic: Why should you, who only came to the party recently, have the same competitive advantage as those who have been around for ages and were much faster than you to join? Isn’t that communism as well? I can see that you are disappointed because your expectations are not met, however, it is not about you, it is about a market that is saturated beyond imagination and this has to stop.

thank you sir. Totally agree with you! again. everyone has his own speed of thinking and composing

This is great! I agree. There needs to be even more measures in place.

This is a good news! I like it! Thanks, Envato! :slight_smile:

I know many examples where great authors started making tracks 15-20 in the portfolio. Envato is a marathon, not a sprint. The endless copying itself does not make the market better. Now joyful will be the one who makes a better and quality music! And this no doubt great!


okay we will hope that will happen. and we all see the increasing amount of sales and happiness to all of us.

To anybody, who is unhappy about this…you can moan as much as you want but the bottom line is …


If there was a huge demand for more new items, especially ones that were titled and sounded exactly like thousands of other popular tracks in the library ,Envato would be the first to employ more reviewers, to get the review times down,and to get these " in demand and eagerly anticipated " tracks out to the eager buyers ASAP.

In reality, it\s quite the opposite and we have an increasing amount of "Authors " all taking an ever diminishing piece of the same sized pie.

Any “Author” with no knowledge of music/audio production can now can make something that sounds like an incidental score from Batman by pressing about 5 notes,triggering pre eq’d, compressed and effected drum loops, string parts etc. etc. Call it " Epic ", save the track, alter a few notes to trigger different loops , call it "Epicness ",save it and carry on and on.
I’ve checked out some of the portfolios of the moaners on this thread - the general pattern is one of large librarys with loads of similar tracks based on the similar tracks in others librarys which are based on the similar tracks in others library
which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys, which are based on the similar tracks in others librarys…



I think it’s a good news! :+1:
But, as someone else says, only if the review time decrease significantly (I remember when I started in november 2015 it was 7 days, :smile:)
Let’s see!

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Advantages I see on Audiojungle now:

  1. short queue
  2. less items, more time for exposure on first page
  3. the “disappointed” authors that upload 6 tracks per day for 1 sale will dissappear.
  4. the rule that new authors can have 5 items in queue and elite more, will disappoint new authors that
    looking for short term money with bad products and they will not register here (I hope).
  5. since you as an author have great quality items new rules will boost sales, since you have more exposure, and less competion.

About 4) and 5) one new idea… maybe AJ should delete all items that don’t have a sale and are older than 6 months on market ? … This means a lot of uncool products will disappear, less content but better. Also tons of tags will be available… not busy in 10000000 + “inspirational” items - this will make to disappear some more authors with bad material, and will give a huge boost to quality items.
I work in a huge media and advertising company… and our company buys a lot of products on Audiojungle…but when they looking for a certain keyword and find billions of irrelevant items with no sales… no time to find the perfect one on 126 page… so they go to other marketplaces with less products but quality… since here can be deleted old items with no sales it will be easier to find for client what client really wants… so a huge boost in sales for authors here.

What you think guys ?

P.S : sorry for my english


These tracks are great! Maybe you’re right, it’s just hard for me to imagine, I can’t work that fast. I also have some items that I’ve completed in half hour- hour but they are very simple, I’m not proud of them but some of them get sales.

I’m uploading epic track now and this took me about 2-3 days to complete, I really wanted to make it good so I changed some stuff and that took time.
So, for me it takes 2-3 days (couple of hours each day) to create something like this for example…

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i think that time will show.

we will see what all “positive thinkers” will have in their incomes after all these “measures”

You’re so wrong with this one. That’s called personal efficiency and workflow optimization process.


It is not right. There are plenty of good tracks for rare cases.
Christmas songs will suffer in the first place.

i never thought i would “like” something from Alexandr Ignatov, but these times have come obviously

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