I’ve been an Envato user for more than a decade. My experience as a buyer has always been a pleasant one. With exceptional quality items that have undergone extensive review, I’m always sure that whatever I purchase on any of the Envato platforms will be of the highest standard and quality.
My experience as an author, on the other hand, has been quite the opposite. I’ve recently decided, in light of recent economic conditions, that I’d join the Envato author community as a means of generating some passive income, as I’m sure is the primary reason for many other authors.
Apart from pretty generic and ambiguous instructions prior to submission, there’s very little in the way of feedback after your item(s) have undergone the review process. You’re left to either “guess” the reason for rejection or scan through the relevant forum threads to get an inkling or indication of the rejection reason.
Envato’s entire premise, existence, and success solely rely on authors, coders, and artists alike, yet they seemingly see absolutely no value in providing constructive or informative feedback to authors, to the extent that it almost comes across as an elitist platform with no intentions of backing or supporting its ever-growing community, unless perhaps you’ve managed to attain some level of credibility from your years of authorship (attributed to perhaps a more lenient review process in previous years).
Providing informative feedback, in the very least, would help authors to decide to either continue on making improvements and changes as per feedback; or scrap the project altogether and not waste precious time and effort going back and forth in the hopes that your items may reach a point of passing the review process.
Many of the forum topics outline several possible reasons for rejection, but it’s entirely up to the author to drill down into those possibilities and guess which one (or combination of them) might bear reason for having your item(s) rejected. From “perhaps an undesired category” to “great idea, poor execution”, the responses to other authors are either community driven or extremely vague.
This, in conjunction with exceptionally long review times (10 days? ), adds to the frustration of authors. The entire review process is sorely lacking and can be easily streamlined if Envato lifted so much as a finger to work hand-in-hand with authors—the very people who aid their success.