Removal of Downloads by Author or Envato

I just want to bring up the subject of purchased licenses or files that have been removed by Envato or the Authors.

I am a little disturbed by the fact that some of these files that have been removed from purchasers accounts are still being sold through Envato as a different product, or the same product by the same Authors!

What is the policy regarding such behaviour if the Authors do not update the customers with access to the products they paid for if they change the name or location of the purchased files?

This needs to be addressed and brought to the attention of all customers that have noticed their purchased files have been removed and the Authors are still selling it through the Envato market.

Has anyone experienced this situation?


So sad to hear that please contact with Envato help center hope will help you.

It can be happen may be that item can getting down by copyright or DMCA from other author.
hope will helpful for you.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks for contributing to the discussion, but in this case the actual author of 2 of my items is still trading as the same author with the same items exactly.

can you give me a demo link

I could give you one of the item links to where it is now and where it was when I purchased it.

[removed by mod - calling out authors or items is not allowed accorind to our guidelines:]

you can ask them with your purchasing link and purchase code.
hope they can help you

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can you give me a demo link of it, thank a lot !

Calling out authors or items is not allowed in the forums, according to our Community Guidelines:

If you know of such case as the one mentioned above, please open a Help ticket at the Envato Help & Support Center if you haven’t done so already. Our Help team will be happy to check into it for you.


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