Relevance (or not?) of marking our CID registred tracks to customers

Hey @KingDog , @BenLeong ,

Today I came across a funny thing: I found out that there are tons of authors (actually I found just 4 :rofl:) that are not including the CID disclaimer image in the description, not marking the CID registred with Yes and specifying the admin company.

This comes as a bit unfair for the following reason: in the search bar you have a checkbox that allows you to exclude all CID registred tracks. Those of us who have our works registred and correctly share that info are left out of those result filter.

Also, it may result quite frustraiting for a customer looking for NO CID tracks, grab them and then get a claim anyway.

I think Envato should be more careful and automate this processes so that we all play by the same rules.

Lastly, if we are actually allowed to omit we have our music CID registred, we might reach a few extra customers, so please, let me know if we can remove the image and mark our tracks as not registred.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Agreed that’s a frustrating experience for customers. I imagine some authors start off with unregistered items and later register and forget to update. Ideally a system that can periodically check and see if items are registered would be great. I’m just not sure if this is possible?

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Frustrating both for customers and for authors. And yes, it’s hard indeed unless you have some sort of communication with the CID admins dataholders. If it’s Ok, I can PM you a brief list of cases I found so you can check out.

I totally agree it’s quite hard to track this cases…

Anyway, just trying to help and make thigs more transparent for everyone.

Thx for replying so soon!


Please just remove the ability to filter search by CID registered, IMO it discriminates against those authors who rightly want to protect their works and encourages a view of content ID being inconvenient. It is no real hardship for buyers to clear tracks, and Envato should not be pandering to the idea that it is, Envato should be encouraging buyers to support authors, and there should not be an expectation from buyers to be able to sidestep music tracks which are protected by content ID.


Fully agree. It kind of promotes the wrong idea that Content ID is a potential headache for the customer that can be avoided in just one click (as if any author could not register everything the day right after the purchase). To make things worse, as I mentioned in the original post, there are authors who have all or most of their portfolio CID registred, but are not marking it in the description.

Either we all play by the same rules, or Envato-SS should consider removing that filter.