Hi everyone! @BenLeong and @KingDog, I thought you might be interested in this as well.
This is the second time this has happened to me, and I hope you understand that I’ll keep the author’s name and tracks private.
For years, I’ve worked with a client who’s subscribed to Elements (among other platforms). Recently, they asked me to help pick a music track that didn’t have Content ID. The reason? My client was going on vacation, and the person handling the upload and publishing hadn’t dealt with the Content ID clearing process before, so they just wanted to avoid it this time.
I recommended a track from Elements that was marked with the “Excludes Content ID” checkbox. Well, turns out it wasn’t true. The track was actually registered with Identifyy and the video is currently banned. Now, we’re waiting for my client to return from vacation to clear the claim.
The issue here isn’t about if there are faster workarounds; it’s about authors uploading music as “Content ID-free” when it’s not. This causes unnecessary problems for Envato users and is unfair to other authors who follow the rules.
In my opinion, the “Excludes Content ID” checkbox should be removed. But if it stays, Envato really needs to ensure that tracks labeled as CID-free are actually CID-free.
This has put me (and Envato) in an awkward spot. Nothing serious happened this time, but I’ll definitely never recommend a track without Content ID again.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.