Hi there, I’m new to AudioJungle but I have a little experience in this type of genre.
The arrangement itself is great I think but a few things jump out at me production wise;
The Kick
…sounds too clicky and flat. Try to reduce the attack with a “transient designer” or a compressor with a quick attack and use some analog modelled saturation to treat the bottom end to a little extra weight and harmonic content.
Stereo Image
This is the main issue I think, it feels lopsided. Your electric piano is sitting to the left and sounds very “on” the speaker - like Mojo said it would be better off centred in the mix, a little behind the speaker (you could filter off some of the hardness or wet the reverb up a bit) with some volume taken out of the middle channel with an MS processor, this will allow your plucked guitar (very nice) some space to open up.
Your strings/pad is on the right channel along with the bongos, same thing really… you want pads really wide, balanced left to right and not so present. The bongos, I’d spread them around the stage on both channels but closer to the middle rather than having them all on the right, maybe cut a db of woolliness out of them with a very gentle EQ notch at 400hz and open the filter on the top end slightly.
Put your offbeat hat much closer to the middle, or even dead centre, the purpose of it is to be an equal and opposite force against the kick so when it’s way off to the right like that the track lacks drive.
You’ve gone a bit OTT with side-chain compression on the pads/strings, bass and white noise cymbals/risers etc. The timing’s a little off too, the release is quite fast so the audio pings back too early and fails to compliment the nice swing/groove you’ve got going on with your percussion and hats.
I find pulling back the threshold until I’m getting 3-5db of gain reduction then tuning the release so that it swells back nicely in time with the offbeat works well. It goes without saying but use your ears for this, the GR meter rarely gives any useful info regarding the feeling of groove.
Hopefully I don’t come across like some new jack here sticking his oar in where it ain’t needed but I also hope my input will be of some use in getting your track accepted