Are you seriously? Envato, what’s wrong with this one?
sounds very good
no idea
Hi, two possible reasons for rejection I can see are;
Distant bass drum sound is way too low and “smooshy”, it’s a bit too powerful and out of place.
Secondly the track seems to be in two separate and distinct parts, like you should choose one or the other. Or use the atmospheric first part as a short intro then go into the rock part much sooner. This kind of thing is what a review would consider less commercially appealing.
Great sounding track though!
I love your track… especially from 0:57 when you are giving more life to the piece. I would like to wait less time to get to this point… I don’t know.
Maybe the voice is a possible reason to rejection… although it sounds nice to me. Also, from 1:45 you are doing an unexpected change with drums, and you did the same thing with all alternative tracks. Maybe one of them more stable, no change at all in this point… don’t know…
I’m just thinking about possible reasons… your track is nice.
Anyway, good luck with future approvals and sales.
Nothing wrong with it.
Your track is really nice, the second part is really beautiful with this nice guitar!
Well I love the track as a whole, but maybe it is difficult to use it as a “background” because it varies too much in intensity?
The only small technical problem, if we have to find one, could be the ultra low frequency bass drum that is a bit too low and powerful. Removing the ultra low frequencies to get rid of the rumble might help, I don’t know.
I am new on Audiojungle (even if I registered a while back), I only posted two tracks, one was rejected, but they explained what the problem was.
It seems that in “rejected” posts I see, no explanation is given? Why do they do that? I don’t see how this will help Audiojungle letting the authors trying to guess the reasons of rejection…
Thank you Guys, for so warm words, and for criticizm …But I still can’t understand, why?..All of us could see tracks on AJ with more serriously problems, but approved for sale…I try to increase my sound engineer’s skills every day in every track…but for what? for reject without reason? Maybe I have an enemy in Envato reviewer’s team?
Anyway, I want to say Thank You, Guys, for your words. Good luck to all of You
It seems to me that such a mixture of genres is not very much appreciated by AJ. Track with the tag “ambient”, it has a folk guitar drowned in reverberation (not the most successful decision in my opinion), the vocal parts of this kind would perfectly fit in the cinematic track. A lot of subbass. Part of 1:44 seems to me not quite logical culmination. I expected anything but stadium drums with an overloaded guitar. I’m not trying to say that this is a bad track - it’s not bad, but as a track from the repertoire of band or something, I’m not sure if the track is suitable for commercial use.
P.S. This is just my opinion and I hope that it will not seem offensive to the author
Good note, Lemonello, thank You for it. About commercial use…I receive 3 offer’s for collaboration (for this track) from the last 2 hours…Unfortunately these offer’s are from videohive users, and I can’t accept it, because track was rejected. Anyway, thank you for your answer
You’re welcome)
I really like it, sounds like a fresh idea in this copy and paste section which is called “inspiring”…bravo!
my two cents?
to me is probably about structure. the first minute…why not try to edit it and reach the full section in less than 40"? it would sound more adapt to a background, to me.
also, kick is too loud and adding some variations to the voice melody and some other notes by other instruments could help a lot IMHO!!
I would try these changes and re submit, I really like it.
keep it up !!!
Thank You, thebigsound! Good note, to make it shorter, really good. Thanks again and good luck to you
you’re a lucky man …,
Usually they don’t explain any reasons for rejection… unless it’s a soft rejection
ok, yes, sorry, mine was probably a “soft rejection”. They told me the drums timing was not perfect, I fixed it, reuploaded and was accepted right away.
Is soft reject real? I never receive it
Yes, you receive this type rejection when your music track is fine to be here, but it still needs some improvements. After you did them, then it’s normal to be approved.