If your refund request is approved by the author, it is sent to the Envato Help Team for processing. This usually takes three to five business days.
If The customer’s refund request was approved, Envato will let the customer know. The customer’s request will then be sent to Envato Help Team to be processed. Remember, once the Customer’s refund has been processed, the Customer’s right to use, download and rate the item is revoked.
Yes the refund was approved but the money is nowhere it is already 20 days, and the most anoying matter is these people from envato don’t provide any support or help they just hide liike thieves and leave the customers alone, in the end they say they are just reselling the items… SO they work in a very scammer way…
I’m popping in real quick to cross-reference some information I just posted in another thread:
If the author has approved the refund request, then a refund is on its way. You can check your statement for any activity relating to the refund (note: that link will only work for you).
If you see a “Manual Adjustment” with a negative amount, then the amount has been successfully sent back to your original payment method, but it may take several days for your bank to process this before it shows in your available balance.
If you don’t see anything, then support is still working on it. This shouldn’t take very long.
Aside from explaining all of that, there’s not much else we can do for you here on the community forums. If you need any further help, please contact Envato using the form here:
20 days is definitely abnormal, so check your statement and then contact support if you can’t determine what’s going on. Is it possible the credit went to your Envato account balance? If it did, you should see the balance at the top right of the page when looking at your statement (next to your username).