Purchased Template (Pets Grooming) will not allow customizations - was my purchase a waste of money?

Purchased Template (Pets Grooming) will not allow customizations - was my purchase a waste of money?

I am also getting a message that I need the activation code for WPBakery - which was supposed to be included with the Theme.

I emailed support the same day of my purchase and they have yet to provide the activiation code.

HELP, Please?

If it’s this theme Pets Grooming - Veterinary + Shop Theme by axiomthemes | ThemeForest, @axiomthemes are one of the most experienced and respected authors on envato so you should have no issues.

What customisations are not possible?

Have you checked the documentation/asked the author?

Bundled plugins do not get their own purchase code. It still works as it should do, you just cannot ‘activate’ it and connect auto updates etc. and any changes to the plugin have to be provided by the author https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/213762463-Bundled-Plugins

It won’t allow me to change/set the brand colors.And I keep getting a notice from WPBakery that I need an activation code.
i’m new to @Axiomthemes - i sent a support request and received a reply that I should be contacted in 8 days due to their backlogs of support tickets

So, I would be willing to pay someone with experience to get me started. I installed the theme on a Staging site to make the design changes while keeping the current theme active. I am going to attempt to delete everything from the Staging Site and reinstall the theme, and i try to find the author to answer my questions
i appreciate your suggestions

@ki-themes may be able to help you.

You need to be careful about installing the theme (regardless of staging or live site) too many times as it may cause conflict with the licensing and plugin access etc.

The colours is an odd one - have you got other plugins not related to the theme installed? The plugin warning you should just be able to close the notification and disregard it.

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I suggest not to remove the staging site if you have activated the theme already. Re-installing the theme may be problem at some point.

If you’re interested in paid support, I’m available for work. You can send me an email via ( I sent DM/PM for the details )

Thank you for your reply.

I need to hire someone to set up the templates on my Staging Site. Any recomendations?

As per above @ki-themes is a proven author that offers freelance support.

Esp given the author what you are after should not take a lot to do if you are talking about a fresh installation.

If you are applying the theme to an existing website then it’s still not complicated to do but will have a knock on impact on the existing content.

I’m pretty certain that @axiomthemes or one of their partners also offers paid support and will know the theme better than anyone else

Hi @beth254 , Thank you for reaching out and for choosing an AxiomThemes product!

We want to clarify a few points:

  1. Our official support response time is 12-24 business hours, so it is unlikely that you received an 8-day notice. Please ensure that your support request was submitted via our official support portal: https://themerex.net/support/. If you have a ticket number, we’d be happy to check its status for you.
  2. All our themes are fully customizable, including brand colors, fonts, typography, and more. If you’re experiencing any issues, our team will gladly assist you in resolving them.
  3. Regarding WPBakery activation—our themes come with a bundled version of the plugin, which does not require a separate license. Any activation notice can be safely ignored, as theme updates will always include the latest compatible version.

Please submit your request via our support portal, and our technical team will be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your response.

You are correct. I heard from the Axiomthemes support this morning.

This is what I received from Envato:

Your request has been received and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Your ticket number is 3775322.

Please note that we are currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, and our team is working diligently to respond as quickly as possible. Due to this, it may take up to 8 days before we can get back to you. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

While you’re waiting, please feel free to check out our Help Center for answers to frequently asked questions and resources on common topics.

Kind regards,
Envato Customer Success Team