Issue in license activation,

Dear all,

Good Day!

I have purchased Fionca Theme long time ago, I had a backup of website, now I’m trying to install website again, but I’m facing trouble to activate the theme, even I have purchased it and I allowed Envato to activate license, but still issues, I have attached screenshots, please review and fix these.

P.S It is also not allowing me to update plugin.

This is website link:

Thank you,

No screenshots.

Is it the same website and domain that you used previously?

Depending on the error you may need to ask the author. If you are outside of support periods then you can try item comments

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Thank you quick response, yes it is same website, let me send you screenshot, now support time is over and I can’t ask support team.

So could you please help to fix the issue.

Thank you,

You can extend support at a cost, or else use item comments outside support periods for free but the only person who will be able to resolve this is the author

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I can resolve Wordpress issues, but why license is not updating, even I purchased this theme

It will be seeing the installation as a separate one to the first time you added it (esp. if it’s done via a different method now) and as items can only be used in one website/installation the author will have to help you deregister the original installation

I’m doing on same domain and same hosting for which I purchased license, so shouldn’t any issue in licensing. I have emailed to author website, but I can’t buy support again for only license issue which I have already purchased. I hope you got my point. I don’t need any support from Author but why I can’t activate the license which I have already purchased.

Am thankful to you for your quick responses and guidance

Even if it’s the same domain it is likely to be seen as a separate installation. Either way only the author can resolve that one.

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ok, Thank you

If anyone else can have other solution please guide me

I can’t help, but I agree this is a major flaw. I’ve become hesitant to buy things on the marketplace for exactly this reason.

I ran into this issue with a theme last year, while the support was still active. I couldn’t get a reply from the author and ended up buying a second license, which is a waste of my money.

When buying items from other author websites directly, I have had the ability to log-in and update the information there, without needing to wait for someone else to decide to help or being forced to buy another license I don’t need. This is a major, frustrating, flaw with the marketplace.

I am facing the same issue again right now with a plugin that I had tried installing on a different site, but wasn’t able to use there because of a conflict it created. Now I can’t use it on a different site I was setting up just for that plug-in. It doesn’t even return an error message, just keeps asking me for my license and blocking all content. This set up feels like a money grab since there’s no guarantee an author will help a customer who has spent money with them.

Additionally, I just renewed support on the theme that I had to buy a second license for. Earlier this week we started to experience a major issue where a key piece isn’t working, affecting the sites functionality. Last I looked, support has continued to ignore my message for several days now. I wish there was a way to get help when the author ignores their customers, helping with a license issue shouldn’t be limited to how recent a purchase was made either.