Wordpress is showing this message:
“Dear user! Please note, that regarding ThemeForest rules, you can use one theme license for one domain. Please activate your license by clicking on a button below.”
I don’t know why is showing this message since I have only one domain: www.incomplast.com.br
But when I click on the button it goes to this site http://activation.wplab.pro/envato.app.php?bounce_nonce=f1687e597c&wp_return=https%3A%2F%2Fincomplast.com.br%2Fwp-admin%2Fadmin.php%3Fwplab_activation%3Dsuccess%26theme_name%3DRecover&fail_url=https%3A%2F%2Fincomplast.com.br%2Fwp-admin%2Fadmin.php%3Fwplab_activation%3Derror%26theme_name%3DRecover
And I can’t activate it.
Can anyone help?