Purchased a theme - Flowmj - Missing

I purchased the ‘Flowmj’ theme, however, when I tried to upload it, there was an error:
"zip does not contain a valid theme: missing template “layout/theme.liquid”

Can someone assist?

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make sure you are only trying to install the theme folder and not the entire download

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This is the .zip file I downloaded
This is what I tried to upload.

If I unzip it - it converts to a folder & won’t allow uploading

What does the content of the unzipped version look like? does it have documentation etc. as well as the theme? If so just zip the theme folder in there and try that

I found the ‘source’ folder that contained various ‘home’ pages.
I selected 1 & uploaded it. Works ok. Thanks

But what about the rest of the theme? Where is each page? The theme’s images are missing (although I will replace them)
Kind of thought that when I downloaded the theme that I would get the entire thing.

What have I missed??

It sounds again like there is still confusion on what to upload (you should be installing a folder of templates/files rather than one home page).

My our best option would be to contact the author who can help https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/203039054-How-to-contact-an-author

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