I have uploaded PSD But it has been rejected. Please help me.
With respect it’s far far too basic for a psd submission here.
there needs to be considerably more features and versatility
there are fundamental issues with typography, spacing and hierarchy
the services like “logo designing” or “web designing” feel out of place in a photography template and like it’s either been forced in or borrowed from another file for the sake of adding an aspect
it’s a layout that has been done and done before with files here and you need to think about how to make it stand out and add premium quality value
Thank You for your valuable feedback. But I am confuse about fundamental issues with typography, spacing and hierarchy. Please need your help.
Just examples and not exclusively these
the handwritten, lobster style font in heading s is very outdated and unprofessional
the testimonial copy is not good and details seemed cramped
there’s no hierarchy between the subtitles and general content
logo needs to breath more and is very squashed up to the nav
the copy on the Polaroid esp the italic word at the end looks unnatural
in various aspects like that Polaroid and testimonials you seem to have tried to really fix to witdths etc at the full extent of the grid rather than position content to look right
The main thing you need to consider is attention to detail - designs need to be pixel perfect in design for psd submissions but also offer premium features I.e. Why would someone buy and code your item over one of the thousands of already functioning photography templates which currently offer a lot more than is in these designs
Ok Sir. Thank You so much for your feedback
Any other issue regarding this template? Plz let me know