Product upload misunderstanding from reviewer?! I need help how to proceed!? Soft Reject then Hard Reject

I did not think it could happen but it did. I uploaded a new project Apple Motion category, which was soft rejected. So far…so good… as usual with slight adjustment and comments from the reviewer everything is good. This time I received a strange message from reviewer that this project exists in another category…which is not so. After upload again and comment from my side that this is not true…project was hard rejected. I do not understand, something or just has a confusion. How can the project be approved after standard quality (soft reject) then be rejected totally (hard reject). Is there an option to make a complaint or to open an investigation or to review the project again? What will you advise me to do? Has this happened before?

Here is the comment from the reviewer:
Gold Lower Thirds FCPX’ isn’t quite ready for VideoHive. But don’t fret, we’d love to see you resubmit after making the changes outlined by the reviewer below. When you’re ready, you can upload your changes here.
Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:

When submitting projects to new categories that have been previously approved in a different category, please provide a link to the approved item.

If this had been a new submission, it would have been rejected based on current quality standards. Therefore, providing the reviewer with a link to confirm it currently exists on the marketplace, will help to reduce any confusion or mistaken rejections.

Please let us know that you understand with a reply.

Here is the project video:

This project has a lot of time spent with new features and has all the publish parameters for the user. Why a slight rejection becomes hard.

contact support thats the best option you have

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Generally the reviewers approve a file in Apple Motion category if it is already available in After effects category. If it is not available in After Effects category they will review it as a new Motion file and either Approve or Reject it based on their Quality standards. If it is available in AE category they relax the quality standards little bit to approve the Motion file.

This is strange how can they give you soft reject if the project don’t fit quality standard should be hard rejected. There should be hard reject on the first review. Another thing to think about is previous project for Apple Motion category, that have been uploaded and ready to use without problem. Only one item was with hard reject, because there was no quality and publish parameters to fit the user needs. You can tell me if this project don’t fit quality needs. I am most saddened by the fact that some time ago I bought a package of the same category, a package selling a lot and there were no publish parameters and simple way of use. I wish there was more control and more things in this category by reviewers.

Receiving a soft-rejection does not guarantee that the file will eventually be approved for sale. Sometimes, soft-rejections mean certain things need confirmation before making final review decisions.