Presentation Template Got Rejected

Reason : Isn’t at the quality standard to move forward.
Some elaborations needed to improve future works. Thanks! :slight_smile:

hi i think that the general theme is rather dark and the choice of the dark blue is not necessarily the best one to fit with corporate purposes in a general way, thus making your item fall a bit in terms of interest and commercial potential. I think that this time, when u altered colors, i would have been a much better idea to combine more between blue and yellow rather than being alternatively using the dark color and the blue one, just like the screens with the graphics, which basically gives very little relief to the contents and turns the infographics flat in the end …
quite frankly i also fail to find a guideline in the shapes u are using … once squared ones , then circular ones and back and forth, which kills the harmony of the item indeed. I also believe that the screen with the big picture of the woman is way too simple for such a screen where people will focus on … the more u will value something, the more u will need the part to really be outstanding and worked out as this is going to draw people’s attention. Indeed, i also tend to consider that the typo is clean but that this is a bit lacking variations, font combinations and most importantly again , some touches of originality here and there

Hi, very clear explanation, it will help a lot to improve.

Thanks for your assistance!

hi you are welcome of course, only the answer of the official reviewer would have helped u to know exactly why but i tried to make profit of my experience to help , i am happy if it could really help :slight_smile: good work and good luck :slight_smile: