Hi, I’m Mr Vutter
I subscribed to Envato element using My Mastercard on Gotok, it was successful and I was charged $198. I did not even get the 7 days trial. I was searching for figma files to download but I didn’t get to download any, few minutes later I got a client error message asking me to reload my page which I did, then this message appeared
I reported this to customer care thanks to KingDog, long Hours later. they replied, telling me i was not charged which I was. I have a received and my card on Gotok was debited by Envato.
I used my card 3 times and I was charged the third time Please Help.
This is my invoice and other proofs, so you can verify
11280641.pdf (85.4 KB)
Please I seriously need urgent help. Thank you so much in advance @KingDog @mgscoder