Osmosis theme: Can't upload pics, and warning message

Hi all,

I am currently experiencing an error that I cannot seem to resolve myself. (Don’t know where to look if at all possible).
I am trying to change some images on my website but I am getting a pop-up saying that “the uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2024/08”. That is all, no explanation whatsoever. The image does not appear in library at all.

I did notice a warning messsage at the top of my screen saying the following:
warning : Declaration of Envato_Theme_Installer_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($feedback, …$args) in /var/www/naiskidswear.com/html/wp-content/themes/osmosis/includes/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php on line **350

I think this might be the issue causing the fail of uploading pictures?
Is there anyone who could assist me in this matter?
Please note, I am a absolute noob in this area. (I had the page build by a company that does no longer exist.)

I should mention that everything that could be updated is fully updated.

Thanks in advance for any usefull response!

You should contact theme author for getting support:

Okay, thanks. Did not know it was a theme issue. I will contact them!