When I go to upload the new theme I got (AutoShowroom WP-V1.8.9) it goes through the process and then aborts at the end saying it cannot upload because “the theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme installation failed.”
Is this something I am doing wrong? I simply downloaded it from envato, zipped it, and then uploaded it from my wordpress appearance/themes/add new
Check this article about styleSheet error
Still any question ask with your purchase item author @STDSoft right here as a comments.
Hope Helped!
I feel like such a noob. Rookie mistake! Sorry been out of the wordpress game too long. Thank you for your help.
My first WP theme purchase from themeforest. No Installable WordPress file in the available downloads
All i get is the missing style.css stylesheet error after downloading the complete package.zip. No “theme.zip” in the package.
It’s quite likely you’ve purchased something other than a WordPress Theme… possibly an HTML template. Best to speak to the author, if they also have a WP version then maybe they can sort a refund of the template if you buy the WP version.
Thanks SpaceStock, yes you are right! I assumed themeforest only sold themes, my bad. Now if there’s any HTML5 to WP Theme converters in the house–hit me up
The ones they pose as doing this do not convert things properly and will more than likely lead to more stress and work than trying to find a purpose built theme
Or search for proper services on studio.envato.com, these are freelancers reviewed by Envato. Guaranteed safety and quality!