Hi everyone, I purchased a theme and uploaded it to WordPress. It doesn’t complete the installation of the theme and it tells me that the style.css file is missing from the zip file of the purchased theme. How can I resolve this?
this is the error message that appears:
Installing theme from uploaded file: themeforest-BJHQpw5L-x-the-theme.zip
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
How can I resolve this?
At first you need to make sure you purchased a WordPress theme.
Make sure you select the “Installable WordPress file only” option. If you select “All files & documentation”, you will not be able to install this zip as is. Instead unzip the file and then locate the installable theme file within it. Luckily most developers clearly label their files, so it should be pretty easy to find.
Also you can unzip your purchased download (All files & documentation) and check the theme documentation hopefully you will get necessary support in documentation how to install and all necessary help.
You’re right, I didn’t download the corre file but the one with the documentation.
Surely now that I try it it will work.
Thanks so much
I cant find download option like this… oh help me please
How to download your items :
- Go to Downloads Section
- In the downloads section, you’ll see a list of all items purchased with your account.
- Click the ‘Download’ button next to the item and choose either ‘All files & documentation’ to download all associated files or ‘License Certificate and Purchase Code’ to obtain just the license information.