Opportunities and Resources for our Authors

Collis is currently hosting a questions thread here on the forums. If you haven’t yet had a chance to read through his message, you can check it out here. One of the questions we’ve seen come up is about what we’re doing to help authors navigate the economic challenges unfolding as a result of COVID-19.

We are actively working on ways to support authors through this season and we’re kicking things off with a collection of six things you can do right now.

The first three are all about ways you can earn as an author, while the remaining resources help provide insight into customer demand - what customers are buying and looking for.

1. Template Kits Bonanza

Envato is launching Template Kits, a brand new category of items on ThemeForest. This is a great opportunity for authors to get into an emerging market nice and early - from those who are already designing beautiful themes, to graphic designers who may not have a coding bone in their body.

To celebrate this release, we will be awarding the first 400 Template Kits approved and published $200USD as part of the Template Kits Upload Bonanza. We’ve had such a great response so far that we’ve extended the offer to April 18, so that we can give more authors the chance to earn through this bonus!

2. Diversity Content Challenge

Last month we announced the launch of our Content Challenge for Envato Elements authors – Representing 2020. This challenge provides authors with a unique opportunity to respond to new customer insights and trends.

The aim of this challenge is to unpack what it means to create authentic and inclusive representations of the world we live in now – from age, gender, body-types, ethnicity, disability, religion, location, designing for accessible experiences or the ways in which we challenge gender stereotypes and traditional roles.

If you’re already on Elements then you can get involved now by submitting your best items now using the custom tag [REP2020].

If you’re a Market author then you can still earn from creating items like this, as it’s proven to be what customers are looking for! You can also sign up to our bootcamp on creating diverse and authentic content here to help kickstart your ideas.

3. Elements Content Bonus Eligibility

Don’t forget that Envato Elements authors are eligible to share in the Content Bonus Program. This is one of several ways in which Elements authors can be rewarded for contributing great content.

Envato Elements authors can check their eligibility by accessing the Author Dashboard here. Please make sure you keep up to date with your bonus eligibility.

4. Creative Trends Guide

We’ve just released our Creative Trends Guide - the first ever guide combining search data and insights from Envato Market and Envato Elements! This report brings together the top predictions from our Content Specialists and Content Insights Team at Envato.

By exploring what people searched for and purchased on Envato over the last 12 months, you’ll discover inspiration for your work in 2020. You can access the exclusive release of the 2020 Creative Trends Guide for authors here.

5. Top Search Terms

For even more inspiration, we have collated search terms from what customers are looking for on Elements. Although it’s within Elements, many authors will find the data gathered here useful in thinking about their next project. You can access the blog post here.

6. COVID-19 Content Guidelines

As the major global topic, there is demand for items related to the current pandemic, but it needs to be done with sensitivity and authenticity. To help, we’ve put together a guide to creating this kind of content which you can find here.


Don’t you think that this demonstrates a significant bias towards Elements and it’s contibutors and that regular authors on market who are not part of this are missing out with these revenue generating initiatives.


This is quite demotivating :frowning:

For template Kits Upload Bonanza, now the offer pool is 80000 USD How about increasing it to 100000 USD.

Hi @steve_lam!
A lot of unnecessary words about the Elements Market in which most of us are NOT THERE. What bonuses will you introduce for the authors of the Envato Market !? (except “Template Kits” on ThemeForest)?


Bonuses comes from shared unused subscriptions. On the market item can earn 10 - 30 … 50$ per sale, on the elements your one item can have even sometimes $1 from downloads - all based on subsriptions - and if someone paid for subscription and didn’t download any item in month then his / her money are shared between all elements authors (who are eligible for bonus - you have to upload items constantly etc).

Two different things , two different markets - don’t compare them :slight_smile: also the word “bonus” don’t sound good this times… I would call this more like “recompense” - because we upload items for people to download… if someone pays and do not download item we don’t earn.


I’m not talking about this, but the fact that they boast of the merits of the elements. Turning a blind eye to the main Envato market where most authors are located???

Do we have banners on the main page? Why shouldn’t I compare?

What a horror that you even talk about them(Elements) here!

No, this is war!

I don’t understand why you are ready to justify absolutely unattainable things (such as Elements), we are not there! I would never talk about their merits, (and drop in sales here) in relation to most authors here on the Envato market!

But I am there (on Elements) and I think I know something about “selling” there - so I wanted to share with you my thoughts ;] but if you don’t want this it’s ok - I don’t have to spread a word about this here :slight_smile:

P E A C E :slight_smile:

Rejoice that you are there, and sell there for a penny! And we are not there!

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not quite a penny - if we talk about single download then maybe yes… but at the end of the month this is not a penny and you can believe me.

Anyway - I see you are angry… I am not engineer of this COVID and whole crisis and we know the crisis on the marketplaces is because this virus - so maybe stop screaming to me.

I am unable to get angry - it’s unproductive. ;]

Of course you can’t! You were invited there as a dear guest! And all other authors suffer from banners on the main page of the Envato market!

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It’s very egoistically of you to say so!

Also I am not the one who inviting and selecting authors for elements so again - don’t scream to me (but if screaming to anyone makes you feel better then it’s ok - go ahead)

But I helped a few authors to get there (on elements) - I will not mention nicknames here but I am not selfish - always trying to help if I can.

The one who is selfish now is you - sitting there and spitting with venom to me… chill out man, do you wanna heart attack?



That’s what I’m saying! Absolutely inappropriate selection!

I’m not happy that you helped them to devalue their creativity! But it’s on your conscience! Torment yourself, but a little later, as soon as you realize it!

I never spit poison, I’m just telling the truth!

If you always scream like that in real life I feel sorry for your throat :wink:

I wish you all the best.

I don’t scream, I do boxing and win (more often than lose)! :wink:

Unfortunately, our interests did not agree! Good luck :slightly_smiling_face: :facepunch:

Great - I do BJJ and I tie boxers in a knot :smiley: (not often but always)

lol - jokes aside. Stay calm :wink: Really - I have to back to work.

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Ok, have a nice day! :wink:

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