Creative Stock Item Opportunties: March-April

Hey Author community!

Each month we publish an Item Opportunities article on the Envato Author Hub, to help you understand the types of items that we need more of on Elements. These are based on customer search data, looking for items that have high search demand and low supply. :eyes:

This month we saw high demand for vintage film overlays, mental health-based designs, mockups, and more! Here are your top creative stock content opportunities for March and April on Elements…

:white_check_mark: We’d love to know if you find these articles helpful, and what you’d like to see more of - this will help us to adapt our content to support you better in the future. Please leave a comment in this thread, if you have any feedback on the Item Opportunities series.


Shoutout to @kovasdos @slavamishura @LayerAce @usedesignspace @RekreativID (I love that UI kit!), @vynetta @InspireMotion @zippypixels @RetroBox & @Graphiqa too, who all had items featured in this month’s article :slight_smile: