After 2 hard rejections on Halloween flyers i will give it one last try to get approved this new one.
What you think. Good or Trash?
hi my friend, this is good but the typo is not much matching the rest and nails u , not to mention that there is too little contrast between the text color and the background color . U always turn out to have the problem indeed …, the text looks a bit pasted on what u have done and I really believe that u should consider following my advice , that is to say to build around the typo - once having set a solid one - rather than creating your whole artwork and “trying to find some space for the text inside what u have done” … let’s face it , texts are not an option, they are part of essential items as regard to the global information of the event and they should be treated as such…
@n2n44 i will try to make better typo, change the contrast and maintitle color. and for my next flyer I try to do it the other way and first make the typo and second the artwork.
Never done this so i give it a chance and hope my typo will be much better.