Not receiving any notification on item support messages 😩

Lately, I have been missing all my item comments as I didn’t receive a notification for them.

I have the checkbox ticked in my e-mail settings for item comments… Is it happening to anyone else?

I am receiving notifications / emails for contact form messages, but not on new comments.

PS: both the category and the tags make zero sense for a post like that. Don’t want to sound ranty, but this forum is still a fine mess…

I guess you have to subscribe to EACH comment thread to get notifications… not sure that’s my best guess

I am talking about the item support comments, not in the forum… I missed all the last few support messages and was surprised when i’d log in and see all these messages from 7-8 days ago… :confused:

@simonswiss Someone from staff needs to check if your email is blocked on their system. There’s been a few threads over time about emails getting blocked.

Did you get the email from my item comment just then?

( p.s. imgur is now blocked from themeforest, check ur profile/item pages :slight_smile: )

Hi Simonswiss,

I’m a developer at Envato and came across this thread. I’ve passed this information on to the help team who have looked into it. It looks like it could be an issue with being on a blocked list.

It should be fine from now, but if you come across any issues please submit a support ticket and we will sort it out.



I did not receive your comment notification - just saw it then when I checked my author dashboard.

Thanks for looking into this Anthony! :thumbsup:

Just a quick follow-up to let you know it’s now working properly - I have received a item comment notification so it seems to be working again.

Thanks a lot! :ok_hand:

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Hello. I have the same problem, can you check please?