Hi, today i got mail i will be paid via new payout method from june 16.
I already set up payoneer details as bank transfer in new payout method. Can anyone tell how much time it takes to process money reach in payoneer, and transfer fee?
Any experience about new payout method?
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Hey. I want to set WISE virtual provider like payout method. In WISE account I have two banking number for USD: for US domestic transfer and for transfer USD from abroad. One question. Payment from elements will be domestic transfer or from abroad(Australia)?
Ok, I need provide ACH in elements payment system so this is US domestic.
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I have the same issue and nobody answers this question. Totally silent.
I set it as abroad but if it is not, probably the money will return with some cuts.
Domestic. I talked about this with the team on the forum and via support tickets. I will use WISE too (GBP) and I had same issue - which is now solved.
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Ohh thank you very much, my friend! Then probably my payment will return, I will fix it now.
Thanks a lot!