My recently approved item is copied and freely distributed by some other website. What should I do?
If you mean on a warez site (please do not share any links here) then this is unfortunately a downside to stock marketplaces.
Disgusting though it is, no matter how much you and/or envato do there is only so much that can be achieved in stopping it.
The best thing you can do is to keep releasing updates and evolve the file so at least the forged versions are outdated.
Thanks for the reply and also for the advice Charlie. Is this a common incident or not? This website is distributing 100s of Themeforest Items, old ,new, everything.
Unfortunately yes.
There’s threads like this FreshKiller - Let’s group together and give them hell !!!
But at the end of the day this happens and it’s far from exclusively here - it’s exactly the same with just about all similar marketplaces.
It sounds bad but letting it get to you will not help and only serve to stress you out.
Thanks for sharing charlie.