My item sales dropeed 100% can you help me for the check my website URL?

Hi Guys, my item sales dramatically dropped 100% and I’m investigating the reason. Can you check my item demos and website accessibility? I’m suspecting my demos and URL access but I’m checking everything looks fine. Here is my portfolio [link removed]

Thanks All,


Your previews load extremely slow.

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Thanks for checking!

My server is in Germany right now and it should be very fast for you. but I don’t understand why that is very slow.

Works like a charm. I’m in Lithuania right now, loads within the blink of an eye.

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Wow, very thanks for your help I’m glad it works very fast for you! Thanks!

This has nothing to do with your page or item.

It appears to be an issue with many items and not just you. I myself have the same drop and so do many others (I regularly check the weekly top sellers).

I do not know why this is happening now but the drop is significant. Perhaps Envato changed something and if you haven’t been doing your own marketing then this could be a valid explanation.

Also the current world affairs (war) does not help and is a negative impact on consumer behavior. Consider that Gas, Petrol, Electricity, Grain etc are on the rise and many businesses are having a hard time coping if not shut down already.

I wish Envato would chime in to provide some more insight but they have ignored all threads with this exact subject matter. You are not the first to complain. Check link below:


Thanks for your explanation! You are right in this case. But the strange thing it’s apparently happened. Thanks for your helps again.

I can confirm it’s the same here! It’s like I disappeared from the market


I can confirm as well, the same is happening to me with the CodeCanyon.

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Same here on CodeCanyon and Elements market


Thanks for feedback!

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Any news? For me, the situation is getting worse and worse. Neither the Mid-Year Sale campaign helped.

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I subscribe to what you’re saying. No stars shining … even with a newly launched product.