My item, Number Eight Logo, has been rejected. Can you help me.

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Number Eight Logo” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

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hi we would really like to help u though , i guess that u can identify that if u do not show the concerned item, this will be very difficult to do … pls upload a preview and we will tell what u failed to do according to us

This is my item.

hi ok, thanks indeed i rather like it but the bottom line is that this is far from perfect all the same. Indeed. the logo looks way better when put on the mockup which definitely underlines that originally this is a bit flat and that this would take that u add a little bit more effect and depth into it to really take it to the next level indeed. I would also recommend that u skip really bad looking color preview like the yellow and red one. Providing more variations is not a bad idea in the first place until u end up “shooting a bullet in your own feet” out of displaying something that not only is not convincing or good looking enough and that is lacking contrast a lot , as well. As a reminder, the goal for u is to make the logo look outstanding and the way to do is not to choose colors like this which hardly pop out from the background and make the logo flat or not that visible. I suggest by the way that u choose complementary colors , theme code colors or shades of the same color, they are normally really safe choices. All this is definitely not indispensable to say if u ask me, though, the main problem i see here keeps on being somewhere else, about typo. Here standards are high no matter where u are posting indeed and at this stage u are far from those standards. If u ask me, the font u are using is simply not matching. Furthermore, there is a lack of variations , font combinations and touches of originality so that the logo is having more relief and gets more punchy and has a better selling potential , too. I am also a bit afraid about the imbrication of text and illustration for a possible horizontal version. I am afraid that it will not necessarily look good if u out the text on the right of the logo instead of under but i am not sure that having a horizontal is necessarily a requirement (would be interesting to make sure). I also tend to believe that the proportion of what u have here is not really properly done, since the illustration is really really prevailing over the text part all the same. Same goes a bit with the tagline. Finally i would recommend that u do not make previews with the illustration exclusively , this is confusing as regard to the nature of the item

Ok.thank you so much for gave this advice.

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u are welcome , if u feel like u have clue enough as what to do to improve your work , feel free to check the solution box :slight_smile: good work and good luck :slight_smile: