My logo has been rejected, please help me

Some of my recent Logo submissions to Envato have been rejected for the “required quality standard”. Why did this happen?

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hi next time pls post your logos one by ones this is really easier to provide u with a complete feedback as for the reasons why your item was rejected … anyway , without detailing one by one, here is what is in common for all of them … globally the concepts are rather weak, there is no real special research as regard to the theme and concept , the global shapes are rather simple. This leads me to the second reason. Indeed, most of your shapes are simple and as such , , most of the time , your items have very low commercial potential. Look, people would not really save time out of buying … they will thus be more likely to redo the logos if they like them and opt for saving money as they will not really save time in any event … in addition, maybe u could not identify this but in all categories, this is the same, typo is a major issue and standards are high about it. U will be expected to bring a really solid typo work to the table … At the moment, in all your logos, the typo maybe judged as “clean” but also as flat and as lacking relief in a general way, since lacking variations , font combinations and oriignality touches. In most of cases, the imbrications between logo and texts could be better and same goes with the spacing between elements , the tagline is sometimes a bit misplaced, as for the “any chat” logo for instance



I will improve my Logos further before sending them for approval.

I particularly like cleaner logos, I don’t like many components, but I understand your point of view, thanks for the feedback!

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minimalistic is rubbish … this will drive to the end of designers in the longer run if too many people stick to these styles as this is the only way we will be possibly replaced by robots … in addition, the more minimalistic things turn out to be , the more it takes the elements to be outstanding to have a commercial value indeed , i may also add that we are not really creating for ourselves … this is true that being in keeping with our personal styles and tastes helps to create something coherent but items are meant for other people to buy and they must find a “target” …
anyway , if u feel like that u have clues enough as to how improve your game, pls check the “solution” box , good work and good luck :slight_smile:


Very easy design your icon logos for so was hard rejected.

You need more design expert and premium as professional will approved graphicriver.