I’m new to Envato Graphic River. Recently, about 7 days ago, I uploaded my first work named “Ease Calendar” in print category, which was rejected today without a proper rejection reason.
Their are several things I need to know about the how rejection works, and maybe my calendar had some issues.
I tried to make it as easy to use as possible. I outlined all the text, created layers to properly arrange the assets, provided proper documents about how to use and more. The thing that I think is the issue, the pictures that I added in calendar, I forgot their links so I couldn’t provide them in documentation, but these images were free to use.
So, if you think you can provide me proper feedback, kindly help me in this… Regards
This callendar is … ohh… I want to be nice but man… my eyes.
Google “callendar design” or something and you will see. Your callendar - and in this preview this icons - you can find free licence icons better looking.
Really - If I don’t care I could tell you it’s ok but you know, change color here and here and maybe will be ok, and I quarantee you 2 months of trying.
Make new one, just make new one, live, exciting, eye-catching…
I am telling this for your good future.
Charlie can’t say what I can say because he’s moderator here and he have to be nice, professional etc.
I am not and I can tell more - so I told you more. no offence - peace.
Hey Novocaina,
No problem, your to the point review is helpful, I won’t mind it, the bad is bad, it had to happen as I was away from graphic work for about 1 year, the difference is in-front of me. I’ll try to make it better, and republish it with new look and name.
I did researched a little on not just Google, but graphic river to see, like this, this and this, so I thought maybe this design is enough to the standards…
Well, I will try my best to remake this calendar and submit again…
hi , i think that u have a vaeriety of things to deal with, there is mainly a typo issue, a rather major indeed, as, like charlie mentioned, font combinations are not working and globally the thing is not that aesthetic and harmonious indeed. The logo , even if this is a preview, is clearly not helping in making your job look outstanding