My Google Slide Presentation Template has been rejected, I need advice and guidance please

I have submitted my Google Slides presentation template, and getting a soft reject, requires improvement.

After I removed all mentions to the icon sets in the “how to use” document, I resubmitted again, but the results still got a soft reject. Why am I still getting a soft reject?

And the review team advised me to see a screenshot of the google drive link which contains the photos used in the template. At this stage, I don’t understand what the review team meant. Can anyone help me understand it?

Is there a connection between removing the mention of the icon set and seeing the Google Drive screenshot?

Thank you

Here is the feed back screenshot

Hello @Rizar_Dsgn

I think but I’m not sure that your icons already have copyright, you have to create more original icons or remove your icons or download icons on other pages depending on the license (before downloading you have to read the license). good luck.

Hi @jeriteam007

Ok, I get the points. Thanks for your answer.

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