Logo was Rejected. I made some mistake?

hi for me the concept is not working that much and i would recommend not to cut the logo like this with two pieces which look not making an harmony in the end … plus i think taht your typo is not matching with the design and that some of the colors for teh preview are not really attractive and giving people avaluing your product either for teh reviewers or for potential buyers …

u have to identify that the logo category is a very tough one and that there are tons of rejections there and that here typo and typo combinations are much of an issue …

Where you see a typo, and what means ( " plus i think taht your typo is not matching with the design and that some of the colors for teh preview are not really attractive and giving people avaluing your product either for teh reviewers or for potential buyers " )

mine says i can’t re-submit it too?! Its 100% own work done from scratch, i don’t think they even properly look at it coz the item i submitted last night also got rejected together with the previous item.

I think they just simply tick it off… its discouraging and frustrating, at least say WHY it was not approved! i see so many similar designs too, mine is just a logo, lucky i didn’t spend hours designing something big like a magazine or somethings. Such a waste!

I see much worse design files on envato elements, the curated designs there, i downloaded some flyers and it has visible guides, unnecessary layers and its immature design but thats up for sale on the curated envato elements website even, its strange! I’m disappointed totally.