I do not understand why customer support considers that support provided by the original developer is accurate just by them saying so. I purchased a product called Listify and it does not work from day one since it complains the required CSS files are not included in the zip file. I requested a refund 2 hours after the purchase and Envato refuses to refund my purchase. The developer did provide a new download after 2 1/2 weeks but this download still does not work due to the same reason during installation. I have moved on since day 1 with a different Wordpress theme and no longer require this Listify theme. No refund and my case is closed. WHY?
The missing stylesheet is a common confusion with WP themes but also covered on the theme support page Support for Listify - Directory & Business Listing WordPress Theme and in the item documentation I Get an Error When Uploading the Theme “The Theme Is Missing the style.css Stylesheet” – Astoundify Knowledge Base
Presumably you did check the documentation and these pages?
As per Envato’s refund policy and @Astoundify documentation Refund Policy for Customers | ThemeForest If the theme was genuinely broken then the refund would be granted however this issue is not about the theme being broken.
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The theme was/is broken since it could not be installed due to missing CSS files in the original zip file.
Added Note: The included documentation file is only 246 bytes in size.
Open the file and it is empty.
Cost me over $100.00 Cad and most of the folders include a file that indicates the source code is GNU General Public License and is free software that can be modified and redistributed. Joke of a product.
Many of the files were not even created by Astoundify and includes the same GNU - Free software license information. So what is worth over $100 CAD? Nothing as far as I am concerned. Both themeforest.net and astoundify.com are scamming buyers with this theme.
As @charlie4282 suggested, it’s probably that you didn’t spend enough time to check the theme, requesting a refund after/within two hours is usually pointed out something such as you have changed your mind after the purchase and Envato refund policy is clear about the situation.
I had these kind of issues once a while, I reject the refund requests if it’s filed within the same hour, weirdly, even if I reject the request, after checking their website a week later, the item has been purchased actively on the website. I’m not saying this is your case but it happens a lot at Envato.
It’s for WordPress license and if you check Envato license, the themes at Envato comes with dual licensing, items are not free.
With all due respect the theme would never have been approved, let alone sell over 20k copies, if it was missing fundamental stylesheets.
This is a common error to see when you are trying to install the entire download and not only the relevant theme folded, hence why it is clearly covered by both Envato and the author.
Likewise - the reason the folder size is too big is because again you are trying to install the wrong folder which contains both the theme, documentation and other files.
If you check the links shared above you will be able to easily source the correct theme folder which will resolve both the CSS and file size issues.
Asking refund within two hours is almost always fishy. As anyone could ask “help/support” at any time - if nothing received, I would’ve understood something wasn’t working.
How long does it take to determine that a software package does not work. Your response is not logical and just indicates that you do not understand what real customer support is. It only takes less than 5 minutes to download and run the installation. Immediately an error message appears. Thus it is normal to request an immediate refund and purchase something else that works. Businesses do not wait 30 days plus to have something that works, Regardless of what you say to justify the companies reasons for no refund, it just reinforces the companies lack of accountability and deceptive business practices.
By not offering refunds, the company is essentially holding customers’ money hostage, which is an unethical business practice. Prioritizing profits over customer satisfaction and fairness is what’s going on.
Support is usually within 1-2 working days.
Do not forget that you’re not buying a custom work, you’re buying a template that should work fine on 99% of the servers but sometime due to server limitation, there may be additional issues, as an author, once a while, I’m getting support request “it is not working” but upon checking the server, it’s usually server issue, especially if you’re using 1&1/ IONOS hosting.
Again, as an experienced author on Envato over 15+ years, I still believe that there’s another reason why you’ve requested refund within two hours. It still doesn’t add-up but you won’t be able to find any solution here. Contact Envato/author.
As stated by one buyer on the review section, you may need to work on it a little bit more:
One of the least intuitive themes I have ever purchased and attempted to setup. I have used MANY themes and this one requires so many steps without documentation to get you to be fully setup.
Again, you are just trying to justify the companies lack of accountability and deceptive business practices. I am a Client Server Professional with 35 years of experience and I know clearly when I am being scammed.
Others can see just by all the issues that have appeared on this forum in the last week and even days that Envato has numerous issues that indicate how your company operates and the conclusion is stay away from Envato.