Introducing a new-look Envato!

The new website design is great, but the previous logo is better. I also think the new logo should not have dot on it, the dot looks like a dirty on my monitor.

Btw the has the same design.


Great that there is a new look.

I can’t help but see half a Christmas tree in the new logo :stuck_out_tongue:


Great news awaits with positivity!

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Yeah, because there’s green all around… :rofl:

Just kidding. I love it too! Quite refreshing.

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Yes, the same fuc… subscription :joy:


:rofl: :joy:


Your item is rejected


Please add sticky banner for main marketplace from elements page in new design!

I hope it also will some increase marketplace sales…

Main focus mustn’t be elements. Both platform (market and elements) must be equal!


So there is not much change for the Market coming? Based on the video demos and descriptions provided so far, there is no sign of how market would look like, everything is about elements as usual. Would be hilarious if market will have only logo changed


“We’ll be fully launching the new brand at the end of the month, and at that stage all visitors to Envato sites will see the new design.”

What does this means exactly? By envato sites does it mean even the different marketplaces get a new design?

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Looking good!! I feel like we can see a lot more items at once now (especially on larger displays).

The logo is fantastic; very energetic, creative and really on brand.


Never happen. Elements is still their priority


I find it more beautiful. But if it appears in the WordPress Theme section on the home page, it’s better :rofl:


It looks fantastic! I love the new logo design :+1:. Keep up the great work; we enjoy seeing new updates regularly.


Thanks all! If you have access to the new Elements site already, I recommend checking it out - there are some nice interactive UI elements that don’t really come across in a screenshot. The new category pages also showcase a lot more content, and the updated homepage for signed-in users has some new features too.

There’s more work on the way for the Elements video and audio categories coming later this year, with a lot of new features that will be incorporated into the new site design. We’ll be sharing more about these in the Author email newsletter and on the Author Hub, plus on the forums.

As noted, the big overhaul of UI and UX affects the Elements site. All other sites (Market, Tuts+, Placeit, the Help Centres, these forums etc) will only have minor changes in this update, mostly affecting things like logos displayed on those sites. You’ll also see more of the new brand (logos, colours, fonts etc) appearing in our content marketing, social media and ads.

@SPRUKO No changes to the requirements for image previews or thumbnails at this stage - the new site has been built with all current item data in mind.

If you create video items that require a watermark on their previews (e.g. multi-clip Stock Footage or Motion Graphics), we’ll be making the new logo available next week - stay tuned for an update via email and the forums, as we’ll let you know once these are ready for use.


Think too =))

Hi there, I am actually having trouble previewing sound effects. When I click preview it rather takes me to the sound effect and then when I click listen there it takes me to a completely different sound. I don’t believe that I need to download a sound effect or song just to preview it do I?

I am not a graphic design expert, but for me new design looks fresh. Old design now looks outdated. Great move. Please do not forget about market, we still see some buyers (especially companies) prefer Market over Elements in some cases.


Hi @BenLeong, so you ignored Themeforest again? Is there no opportunity for the new Items, right? Will you close Themeforest and others in the near future? Hope that my question will not be deleted.


Too bad the Market was abandoned. Well, perhaps this is his fate. :worried: