Income dropped by 1000%. New works do not appear on Elements.

Lately, I have noticed a big drop in income due to the overflow of authors and items on Elements. My income has dropped more than 1000 times. That is, over the last 24 hours, I earned $0.01. At the same time, I work as always, write and release new works. But at the same time, they began to appear on Elements with a delay of 3-5 days and do not appear in the NEW section. I wonder if I am the only lucky one or are we all in the same boat?

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I am acutally happy that this is happening, I hope all of you will realise that ELements is not a platform for us authors and that is destorying the entire marketplace!


This is a glitch.

Here is screenshot of my Dashboard, it $0.0 for both. Clearly it’s a glitch.

This comment is really not what the community needs right now even if you are not part of Elements.


I t has been a sinking ship since day one, it made the entire Envato marketplace a total mess, confused clients intentionally, and in the end I a 5000% it will destroy Envato completely, just look at what is happening bow with the marketplace!


my total income was not reset, 1 cent was added to it.

As BenNelong said, let’s wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Sorry to say but this is not happening. It’s just a bug.
Find better excuses to be happy. Go for a walk. Have some fresh air. And maybe stop by a cafe for a coffee. These will make you feel better believe me. Not this :slight_smile:


Remember to message me next year at this time ok?

relax man


Same here. Earnings are dropping to rock bottom levels but this $0 is a gitch. Happened before.

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1000% income drop fixed. Back to the normal 950% drop.


@TimCat I’ve addressed your comments about a publishing delay over in the Elements Audio forum, where I’ve tagged you into the relevant product updates thread.

@FWDesign Please don’t continue dropping into random threads to complain about Elements. Your contributions in Code-related discussions have always been great, but you are not an AudioJungle author, and you do not have music items published on Elements.

Please take this as a formal warning: if you keep doing this, you will have your forum account suspended.

I understand I was just expressing my opinion on this…

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Today I said goodbye to Envato and deleted my portfolio

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@FWDesign is actually making some fair points. Elements has made a mess of the entire Envato marketplace. What’s the point of having a community if honesty is shot down and everyone keeps avoiding the truth.


This comment remind ed me of how my parents were dealt in communism when trying to say something that affects the system literally could put you in jail!

Instead of closing y account why not start addressing the real issues here?


I get everyone’s points, I’m not on Elements and I’m not trying to defend it perse, but the whole industry moved to subscription at some point. Now I’m not in favor of it but Pond5 did it as well as so many other competitors. If Envato had stuck to just the marketplace it would have been left behind.
Also, each and every author decided for themselves to get in or not.
I think it’s fair to keep the broader direction of the whole industry in mind. Right now more than ever things are changing and evolving so fast. It’s hard for anyone to keep up.


Sure, subscription is the big trend right now, but most sites, like Pond5 did not separate subscriptions from the main market. Envato’s decision laid the foundation not only for a major divide among authors, but also confusion among buyers, and I don’t see what the benefit was since the market is pretty much dead, and Elements seems to be doing just as poorly.