Elements earnings discussion (Jan 2025)

Worst earnings start of the month ever after last report update fix :roll_eyes:


What do you expect, quality work is not added in Element is not worth the time… Envato did not worked like this, it lost its identity and this is the result!


my earnings have suddenly dropped by 30% or more over the past month and continue to decline, which has become a concerning issue.

I reviewed Envato’s earnings distribution policies and found no changes.

So, what could be the reason behind this sudden drop?

Best regards to all.


Hi) i think your logos its very similar and every day there added more logos like yours. So maybe its just a competition…


I think the reason might be the holiday season, as people focus more on seasonal content, which might reduce demand for your items.


Yes, this is indeed one of the reasonable possibilities.

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Until last month, the average earnings had been stable (a few dollars more, a few dollars less).
But now, after this last update fix of the dashboard report, earnings have droped a lot. How is this possible? Before report update fix, everything was going more or less ok, after update fix the earnings drop is suddenly really big.
How is everybody about this? Or is it just me?

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Could be seasonal but since the update Elements earnings have been low on a daily basis even with new items. Marketplace on the flipside has been good to compensate this month so far.

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Sales are terrible. There are a lot of drops even though I add new items. What could be the reason?


Holidays, lost of interest in Envato, million of files, your items just get lost in all those millions and millions of files without any personality it is commercial 100% nothing else matters.

Elements is not a tool for authors is a tool for the ower to cash out as much as possible.


I have just one question, please answer. What is your analysis regarding the recent decline? What could be the reasons behind it? Could holidays have contributed to this decline? What suggestions do you have for us in such situations? @BenLeong @KingDog

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What is the reason behind this? This is very stressful… I think the reason might be the holiday season, as people focus more on seasonal content, which might reduce demand for your items. so we should focus on seasonal content according to holidays or other functions so the sales may rise upward…


@BenLeong @KingDog
My question essentially, with all respect, is why the Elements earnings drop is huge this month day after day, exactly since the last fix of the earnings report update problem. Is there perhaps an error about earnings calculations? Can you please check this? I can see by the comments of other authors that it’s not just me. And Holidays or seasonal projects never caused such big Elements drop suddenly from the end of the year to next month.
We will really appreciate an answer about this.
I’ve submitted a ticket to author report also.
Thank you!


Despite uploading several projects this month, there is a huge drop in my earnings that I have never experienced before. I would like to know what is the reason for this @BenLeong @KingDog

Holiday’s has the biggest impact with a lot of designers and studios taking the time off. I know in Australia they shut down almost completely from Dec to mid January :sweat_smile:


If that’s really the reason, I feel incredibly relieved. For days, I’ve been trying to figure out why sales dropped so suddenly, and it was driving me crazy. I kept questioning myself, wondering if I did something wrong. But now everything feels clearer, and I’m finally at peace.


@KingDog Thank you very much for your answer. I appreciate it very much. Anyway, there was never a decrease in Elememts earnings as big as in this period from this last end of the year to January. I know the holidays have an impact on this but in previous years it was never as big as this time, earnings drop is huge this month, exactly after the update fix of the earnings report, which really caught my attention. That’s why I think about a calculations error maybe, after this report update fix a few days ago.

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We introduced more authors this year than previous years so downloads will be spread out more as we continue to increase our customer base


@KingDog Thank you so much for the info :+1:t2:

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Decrease in earnings this month is big and i dont think its cuz of holidays season in december.
I doubt that earnings will get back to normal next month either. Every time they do these slow calculations at start of the month lead to decrease. No transparency here just have to believe or leave sadly.