Elements earnings discussion (Jan 2025)

I have been on this site for years, but this is the first time I have experienced such a big drop in earnings. Wasn’t there a holiday season in previous years? Or did they find such a way to reduce the reactions, I’m not sure?!

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My main concern is that Envato runs fast for higher amount of items which is bad for authors and actually it can be for Envato for themselves in the future because in this 1 million assets mess it is hard for client to find things they need.
Is there a data on how client searches? Do they go beyond page 5-6? and what if there are 100 pages? I can say for myself. I don`t like to go and search after 5th page…
There are 77,518 after effects items right now.
Many items just are not visible for clients and there is no point in spamming with new items because you already have good items, however, they are not visible enough.
So the solution is either to slow down or close accepting new authors or/and find a solution in algorithms for better item rotation so every item has a chance to be shown to the client in first 5 pages of search and promotion campaigns.


All the improvements that Envato has made over the past 10 years have only brought more revenue to Envato itself, while authors are starting to fall . You may hold onto hope, but I recommend you start choosing a new path because it will only get worse.


There are toooooo many files in Elements getting to download one of yours is pure luck, Elemets is not a business author/Envato is a business for Envato, the author is more like a guest…


With diluted earnings how author can make new content . With high inflation it’s very costly to produce videos and etc . Please make the policy that is sustainable for authors . rising costs and falling earning is pushing the authors to break even point ))) please help us


First, Elements starts with quality products from trusted authors selected by the quality team. It was balanced for the author and subscribers.

Now all authors start a numbers game with lots of less-quality products, and contributors now struggling. If new subscribers did not gain strategically what the numbers of products work? Lots of similar products with less earnings. Monthly earnings down every month for me.


Worst worst Elements earnings this month, never a drop like this in years. No progressive fall, just a sudden and abrupt huge drop comparing to last months. Since January started, it’s a total disaster.



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There may be a decline, but this indifference is even sadder than the decline, we cannot get answers to our questions. We are ignored and ignored at every turn @KingDog @BenLeong

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And what did you expect, i the past two weeks from 20 support emails or new purchasers half wanted to buy directly from me, they literally lost interest and faith in Envato… Elemets is not a sustainable model for creative authors that made Envato and this is shown by now but they still push it…until there will be nothing left there!

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Alaso is amuzing to see Elemts authors complin about sales , so far there were ot here in the forum… I was right unfrotunately I was right!

Hoping things will get better

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As soon as they removed the search by popularity, my income dropped sharply


Income has fallen and continues to fall. Already by about 10 times. It’s just awful. The stock is littered with low-quality, monotonous music. The number of authors has increased several times, but the number of subscribers has apparently remained the same.


December 2024 earnings 64% compared to December 2023. Way to go Elements.


I can’t help mysef and write here

Elements was not built for the author… now that things are falling in Elements you start complaining, you should not have been part of it in the first place!

A client pays 20$ for a billion files how is this business for an author but not for a single entity?


50% here :-1:t2:

Mine too! 2024 earnings were down 40% from 2023 because of the new search engine.


Thats the business they run. I know that envsto cares only for profit now and that elements are their only concern, but everyone needs to understand now that there is no competition and there is no other options.

I have some files on motion array but they are redicilous with their reviewers and demands like they are selling products yet they are selling also subscription. Bad income so I stoped

What I want to say, we have to ride this thing untill something new arives. Or maybe thats it for this kind of business, lots of tutorials, easy to become author, uncontroled market, saturation…
I dont know.