New month but disaster earnings drop from month to month.
Oh My God
same situation this month.
I’m considering removing my portfolio from Elements. Earnings have suddenly dropped by 84% in the latest 5 months. It feels like giving my software for free. Hard work should be paid, it seems that the only ones who are earning something are the customers and illegal sites that are distributing my (and your) software for a few dollars.
I’ll think I’ll consider implementing a purchase code verification system and distributing them exclusively on CodeCanyon (in which sales, by the way, have suddenly dropped by 70% in 3 months).
I also noticed illegal sites offering downloads from envato, elements and shutterstock. A company big enough like envato should develop a way to avoid it. It really needs a solution. It’s not our responsibility to fix, we are loosing revenue month by month, while bad people are using our assets from hacked/illegal websites.
What Envato can tell for us as? Do they have an answer for it?
I agree with you. Can you give us brief explanation for this? @BenLeong We need this to be fixed.
Things are happening or its just limited?
While I am having 100- items on Elements, earned daily 20$ - 35$ now I am having 195 items but daily earnings is same and more than 100 items are not even downloaded.
tell me something is valuably whats happening.
Still believe in Envato, Hope for best.
I am with Envato for about 1 year. Right now I am hitting the best month till now. Hope it will continue this way. (approx. adding 1 item per month). Hope there is much ppl like me.
finally positive comment Good luck man
wish you all the best
@BenLeong I received an email “Envato Elements statement available for download” for Triple Earnings Reward but I didn’t receive any payment yet. The payment is a little less than $50, but these “Reward” payments are paid anyway, no matter the Payoneer $50 limit, that was explained a couple of months ago if I remember correctly.
Anyone with same situation?
Lets wait and see tomorrow. I’ve not been paid the triple reward for two previous months.
I also received an email that I got an incentive to pay in August but the income is less than 50$, until now still waiting for payment on the 20th
The same, just in my case that happened last month as well, and I didn’t receive July and August incentives. After I contacted support regarding July issue, they explained that Envato tries to pay when it’s less than $50, and sometimes it works, but sometimes doesn’t go through. Previously that wasn’t a problem, we used to receive as low as $12 even. We should get notification email if payment doesn’t go through because amount is under $50, but that didn’t happen last month either.
Exactly, we have received payments with less than $50 for the Triple Reward only. This problem happened a couple of months ago and now again this month. Let’s hope for a solution @BenLeong
@GoForMotion It’s my third month now that I’ve not received my incentive bonus.
@BenLeong : I haven’t received a triple revenue payment from my sales yet, while I’ve received a statement from Envato Elements that I was paid less than $50 for the month of August, please resolve, I received payment via paypal, thank you very much
Some nice sales in Elements! Cool. Nice, nice.
this is an intensive triple bonus that first paid less than $50, why now so much trouble for triple bonus payouts why?
It seems todays stats delayed? @BenLeong do you have any info for us please?
anyone received the triple bonus yet.they just sent me the statement but not paid ? its below 50 this month.