I want to learn how to make premium wordpress theme


Can anyone help me to learn how to make wordpress theme from scratch, i have some knowledge about “PHP” and know “CSS” and “HTML” very well.
want to know some article about SMOF framwork, wordpress theme development and all the thing required to make wordpress theme including licence for developer for any product if i want to use on any theme to sell at themeforest…

Plz help me to make wordpress theme
Thanks for your reading.

Error and trial has been proven the best way for me to learn how to make WordPress themes. Think of a project you really want to make (blog, portfolio, e-commerce …) and learn as you go. Google is going to be your best friend :wink: Good luck!

Hi DiogoRedinDevelopment,

Thanks for your reply…

I make simple wordpress theme by following tutorial and connect it with REDUX framework… But i lost my hope when some error occurs when i start… But now i rethink about it to learn,
please anyone have some tutorial which you follow to make premium wordpress theme than plz share with me…

Thank you very much for giving me hope to try another time
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

http://tutsplus.com/ is really good

http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Lessons (a bit basic but good)

if you are looking at making premium files for here then you will need to familiarise yourself with the submission requirements and how to achieve all this:

Hi wpdil,

Add me on skype: itpassionates

I will guide you through the process.

ITPassionates said

Hi wpdil,

Add me on skype: itpassionates

I will guide you through the process.

Can I add you on my skype as well? I’m interested in learning also.

Default “twentyfifteen” can be a good start. After just purchase a few premium WP theme and look details, codes etc. and compare themes after start making one. Learn Wordpress Core features and look codex every time.

Good luck!

Wow, Really helpful post on tutsplus.com
I will definately do all that step for making wordpress theme…
Any know good article about “SMOF FRAMEWORK”???

Thanks for your precious time :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

fhgmedia said
ITPassionates said

Hi wpdil,

Add me on skype: itpassionates

I will guide you through the process.

Can I add you on my skype as well? I’m interested in learning also.

Yes, you can.

fhgmedia said
ITPassionates said

Hi wpdil,

Add me on skype: itpassionates

I will guide you through the process.

Can I add you on my skype as well? I’m interested in learning also.

hello, please give me your skype ID so we can learn together… If i find anything than i will share with you and if you find anything than you can share with me… will work together to learn so it is easy for us to learn fast :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

There are good tutorials on treehouse too. check them out.

nicdark said

Personally I started that way:

1-I bought a theme on ThemeForest
2-I have studied all the functionality
3-I studied http://codex.wordpress.org/

Bye :slight_smile:

Do you know which theme coding is easy to understand… so i can learn from that theme…
