I am building my first premium theme and I would like to know if there any tutorials for some premium features to put on my theme like “WPML Ready”, “Woocommerce Ready”, “Translation Ready”, “drag and drop content builder”, “Retina Ready” or any others of this type of premium since I don’t know how to do them and would like to learn, is there any tutorials or courses anyone can recommend me?
What new section of tutorials? Can you please let me know the link? So, I can check it out!
No ofense man, but, I have no idea how it works here but, believe me I am not trying to advertise anything at all, I am just trying to learn so, I can put some premium features on my theme, nothing more.
Google is your friend, seriously. Just do some googling on “wordpress theme translation”, “retina webdesign”, “wordpress page builders integration”, “woocommerce integration” and so on, there are tons of info you need to get through. You can start here http://tutsplus.com
BTW, making your design Retina ready (or rather HiDPI ready) and translatable is NOT a premium feature, that’s standard feature nowadays.
Yes I know google is my friend, but, even doing lots of searches and the searches you mention you dont find any serious tutorials that teach you the correct way of doing this and even on tutplus I did not find anything about it. For example you go to tutplus or google and search for “woocommerce integration” and you will get a course of how to set up an online store with woocommerce which is not what I am looking for and that is why I ask on forum.
Does themeforest offers any type of tutorials to help authors develop?
Hey WordicaThemes,
Just for curiosity what is so wrong with this shop for you to leave?
If you google “woocommerce integration” the first result (at least for me) is this:
The thing is that you need to read through several tutorials. Don’t try to search for some Holy Grail tutorial which will teach you everything. You need to build your knowledge from multiple sources.
Thanks a lot, that is the type of tutorials I am looking for and yes I get what you are saying there is no holy grail tutorial but, I wanted at least tutorials that teach me the things I am looking for.
@rachelmccollin has made some great video courses for Tuts+ about WordPress development, including WooCommerce integration, making customizer-ready themes and custom content types. They are paid content, but there is a 10 day free trial available.
What about things like “Drag Drop Design” by using Visual Composer plugin, “Paralax” images, how to make an theme options page (is this done with custom advanced fields? since is not customizer).
Hey Adamarthyrryan,
I saw Rachel’s courses before there good for Woocomerce only but, still not good enough I am looking to add premium features to my themes and seriously, I don’t understand how come there no tutorials of it. How you expect new authors to learn? But, thanks for trying.
Well, no offence, but you got it all wrong I am afraid. There are thousand of ThemeForest authors so there is already a BIG competition. This marketplace doesn’t really need new authors, so if you want to become part of this game, you have to become little bit more proactive. Nobody is going to hold your hand. All the information you need to create an item is literally few clicks away.
@codeman1234 Thanks for your feedback. I do want to create content that will be useful for theme authors - whether new or established. I’ll see if I can incorporate some of your ideas in future course planning.
I understand no one is going to hold my hand, don’t worry I can manage. About competition on Themeforest, personally I do not care if there thousands of authors or more, since is all about making a good product, knowing how to sell it and most of them not know anything about marketing so, don’t worry is not as hard as you think been doing same for other products.
One last question, what about offering shortcodes on themes?
Better not underestimate difficulty of the whole process:) Anyway, I am eager to see your first attempt. If it ends with a rejection (and with all due respect, you will have to be a hell of a designer/developer or just incredibly lucky to be approved on the first try) then don’t hesitate to create a new thread and @mention me, I would love to give you some feedback.
One last question, what about offering shortcodes on themes?
What about it? You can add shortcodes to your theme of course.
BTW, I would recommend to start with just HTML template and make WP theme after you manage to get that HTML approved.
Well bro don’t worry, I will create new thread and mention you and let you know on my first attempt to the upload
I will try to be the best of the best designer/developer, I know that sounds a bit out there but, I am like that when I put my mind on something until I am not the top I wont let it go.
Anyways what I ment with shortcodes is how it works, how you make them or if there is any tutorial about it.
Thanks again for your help man, I know I might look like the typical newbie but, you are wrong I am really on it.