Hello Authors Myself Shyamsundar! I’m from Nagpur, India and I’m 22 y/o and currently in my final year. I want to get started on Themeforest by developing premium wordpress themes. I’ve been coding a lot since 2016 to be precise. So I need help from the experienced authors here would be even great if Indian authors help me out. Looking for responses. Thanks in advance! GLWS.
What is it you need help with?
TL;DR Can you suggest me any other sources and courses to learn theme development. Youtube tuts or udemy courses would be great.
I want to extensively learn coding premium wordpress themes for themeforest. I’ve tried out codex and other resources but that’s just basic. I want to get my feet dirty in developing premium themes and sell them on the marketplaces. I’m a fast learner and have a good creative think given I’ve worked on many motion graphics projects and uploaded couple of them on videohive.
WordPress Codex is too basic? It is the most in-depth source there is.
There is no single magic tutorial which will teach you everything. You only need the Codex and the Google to search for solutions when you are stuck.
The best way to move forward is to start writing your own theme. Just take a look at default themes like TwentyTwenty to get you started. I mean it is naive to think you will be able to create a premium theme right from the start. Start with just a basic blog theme, then learn how to create your own shortcodes, implement them into a page builder (ideally Gutenberg), write a custom widget or two, etc. It won’t happen in a week, nor in a month.
Once you move through the basics and and your first theme will start to shape up, make sure to read these to improve your code:
And if you plan to submit something on ThemeForest, then start searching for a designer to partner up with in the future. Having both coding and designs skills on a level required by ThemeForest is not something many people have, it is usually wiser to have two people splitting the work.
Sorry to hear that brother. Stay strong.
Thanks a lot for replying! I got a bit overwhelmed by the stories and other forum posts so that’s why I thought I should be more into the actual nitty gritty of premium theme development. Also I’ve actually started out with the codex and handbook few months ago coded a couple of single page themes but I used to get this feeling am I doing it the right way or not. Design is good but it’s the code that I’m worried about.
Thanks for the reply man!
Design is good but it’s the code that I’m worried about
Most of the rejections are based on weak design, because most people who are trying to submit a WP theme here are coders, not designers and they do not realize their designs are not good enough. I mean you will find hundreds of rejection threads on this forum where you can see it yourself.
Unless you have years and years of web design experience, I can almost guarantee you your design won’t be good enough without even seeing it. If your really want to do everything yourself, then the safer way is to try to submit the PSD or HTML version first. Then convert it into WP.
That’s exactly what I was thinking, to go for a static version. It’s allowed right?! To resell your static theme by converting it to WP?
Yes you can sell HTML and WordPress versions as two separate items here on ThemeForest.
Are there any compliances and qualification criteria for html themes? Where can I check if my theme is good enough or not? Obviously except for design I’m pretty confident that my design world make it through. I have done courses on Photoshop, Illustrator and UI/UX
There’s no formalised requirements like there are for WP - just has to adhere to best practice standards
If you are new then you can always share a demo link here in the forums to get feedback before submitting
Your HTML has to be valid, well-formatted, semantic.
As for the design, the best way is to share it here so you can get some feedback. You can have million courses, but that is not the same like having the years of experience actually creating a professional designs. I would highly advice to share at least something from your design to get some feedback before you move forward with this project. If you design is not good enough, it is better to know it now, then later, when you put a lot of work into coding it into HTML.
I’ll upload the demo in couple of days currently working on some interactive features
That’s a great tip will upload the design in couple of days. Thanks a lot for all the replies and keeping up with a noob.