I do not understand anything anymore!

I Uploaded an item a few days ago, a 4K version of this item

the HD has sales, not much but has something,
also it has been a trending item last week .

20 minutes ago , after 5 days of waiting, i got a rejection email
for the 4K item, no explanation what so ever.

Every time i upload 2 versions i work on one and upload it,
just in case it will be rejected. if its (rarely) rejected i wont complete the
other version. wont waste my time.
With this item i obviously did waste time for nothing.

Why dont envato understand that our time is valuable??
Why the same item , that was TRENDING, was rejected in another resize version?

can you help guys?

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Did you write a note for reviewer that you already had FullHD item?
Also the size of the item matters. If it’s more than 3gb then your item may be rejected, because it’s not so valuable for such a big size.

I actually did write a note, an the file size is almost the same size. maybe extra 200 MB.
if this is envato policy, we should all know it,
“your item is not valuable in 4K but in HD its fine…”

I have many items in both sizes, never been a problem…
(maybe once when it was a photo sequence and its not allowed…)


have you checked this:

If you have UHD footage and would also like to make the footage available in an HD resolution, we allow two resolution variations on any one file. For example, if you have a footage file that was recorded in 4K , you can submit two versions of the same file, one in 4K and the other in 1920x1080 . In this case, you need to consider the following:

  • The two items that are created should have matching titles.
  • The two resolution variation rule only applies to source footage that is 2K or greater . If your source footage is 1920x1080 , we do not allow a second variation to be supplied in 1280x720 or lower .


always checking!
and if something like the title or category has been missed,
its a soft rejection and they let you fix it.
gladly my rejection rate on videohive is very low.


From the last point:

  • The two resolution variation rule only applies to source footage that is 2K or greater . If your source footage is 1920x1080 , we do not allow a second variation to be supplied in 1280x720 or lower .

Seems to me if you already have 2k then 4k not allowed. May be expert from videohive can explain better.


Thank for replying…
the first upload size was Full HD 1920x1080
the second upload UHD 3840x2160

I have many dual projects with both frame sizes.

thanks again!

You missed the point. He followed those rules strictly. We are allowed to upload FullHD and 4K.
@Rouge_Trader my advice would be to write support ticket to get better explanation of this rejection.

Yes i will!
Just wanted to get some advice before i do and share
the desperation for working for nothing…
maybe it will help somebody else somehow…

thanks for the reply mate!

I have to say that envato do listen!
they checked my item upload AGAIN and did find
that i wrote in the message for the reviewer that
this was a different frame size of an approved item/

they approved it for sale!
Thanks envato guys!

Advise, when you post a similar item with a new frame size,
always write that this is a version of an approved item
and copy the items link.

specially i have to thank Will Bishop (help) and Tyson Frantz(author).
Cheers all!


Good for you!!
Yes, Will Bishop (author help) helped me a couple of times and he was fast to answer and even on weekends.

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How do you contacted “Will Bishop”?

@techprastish Will is part of the Author Support team. You can reach them by opening a ticket here: https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Ok thanks!

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Will is like a nija here on Envato, helped so many times I would rate him 100 stars if I could.

Thank you Will!

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Exactly as @baileyherbert said:

Will Bishop helped many many times, even on weekends, any time.

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