Hi, Fellow authors i would like to dicuss one topic

Why themeforest hard reject HTML version of already approved PSD template?
We submitted the HTML version of our approved PSD template following is the like for PSD template

and we got hard reject on our HTML version with envato generic mail “Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “MODERN-CV HTML Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”

Can any one pleas share their views on this topic
Thank You :slight_smile:

Please provide the demo live preview so we can take a look.

Even without a demo - that design is far more suited to print than web and is always going to be tricky to adapt properly.

However as @TheRubikThemes A demo would show what the coding and practical execution is like.

FYI approved PSD, HTML, WP etc. Have no correlation or guarantee of approval just because one other format has passed.

Thank You charlie4282
Here is the demo
and its responsive

Thank you TheRubikThemes
here is the demo

With all due respect, it’s really not suitable for web - this is a print template.

That aside:

  • Design generally feels quite outdated

  • Fundamental errors with padding, margins, spacing, typography

  • Using repeated content multiple times feels a bit lazy and unfinished

#Design generally feels quite outdated
But its approved psd three months back how could be it is outdated? :thinking:

#Fundamental errors with padding, margins, spacing, typography
If the design has fundamental errors i guess it should be soft rejected :thinking:

#Using repeated content multiple times feels a bit lazy and unfinished
Repeated content is for demo purpose

Sorry but i am not agree with your opinion :roll_eyes: